i can't run in heels!!!

121 16 13

"Willy" Kenny called me and I waved at him, he came to me and began dragging me with him "come with me".

"Kenny I can't run in heels"

"So, Toss them"

" I have to practice wearing them, I don't want to fall and break my face when walking down the aisle"

He sighed and stopped "can you walk" I nodded.

"What is this pressing matter that you need to discuss with me" I asked walking behind him, he opened a door and turned to me "get in".

I walked in the dimly lit room and the door closed behind me "Kenny?" I tried to open it but it was locked.

I relaxed when familiar hands circled my waist, a smile already making it's way on my face, he pulled me to his chest.

"Hey beautiful" Aaron kissed my neck making my knees go weak, he turned me to him and lifted my chin up with his finger "hey" I said softly.

He smiled before leaning in, my eyes closed expectantly but his lips hovered over mine I groaned and grabbed the back of his neck pressing his soft lips onto mine.

His hands slid to my face as we passionately made out.

He grazed his thumb on my lower lip, every now and then his gaze would flicker to my lips.

"I love you" he said huskily making my heart melt because of the passion and love in his voice.

"I love you too" I whispered, he kissed the crown of my head.

He took my hand in his "I have something for you"


"Shhh " he put his finger on my lip and sat me on the edge of the bed.

"Close your eyes" he said kissing both my eyelids.

I heard some shuffling around me "Now open them" Aaron whispered in my ear after few seconds.

I opened my chocolate brown eyes as something soft started falling on me, I looked around to see red rose petals falling softly on and around me.

Aaron was sitting on his knees below me on the floor, my eyes widened realizing what he was about to do. But we're-

"I know we're already engaged and it's a weird timing since we are getting married tommorow" he looked up in my eyes "that ring was a symbol that we are together because of a promise and I'm actually glad that you lost it" he pulled out a black velvet box from his pocket "that was there's this is ours" he said opening the box revealing a beautiful princess cut diamond ring with small diamonds etched all around it.

"I know we're already engaged and it's a weird timing since we are getting married tommorow" he looked up in my eyes "that ring was a symbol that we are together because of a promise and I'm actually glad that you lost it" he pulled out a black ve...

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"Willow Rose Wood, I love you and it would my privilege to spend rest of my life with you" he kissed my hand before sliding the ring

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"Willow Rose Wood, I love you and it would my privilege to spend rest of my life with you" he kissed my hand before sliding the ring.

Even though I knew what he was going to do and the fact that we were already engaged nothing could have prepared me for this moment and I was in tears to say the least as I looked at the Beautiful ring on my hand.

I sat beside Aaron on the floor "do you like it?" He asked

It would my privilege to spend my whole life with him.

I took out a rose petal that was trapped in his hair, I caressed his cheek before kissing his lips.

This kiss was different from every other we have ever shared, it was if we were trying to pour all our love and passion in this one kiss.

Aaron took my face in his hands and wiped the tears which I didn't knew were there.

I don't know for how long we sat there looking at each other.

Aaron pulled me in a laying position with me with Him on the top
He started kissing my neck, I moaned as he bit and nibbled on my sweet spot his hands went to the buttons of my red shirt opening first few buttons.

His hands slid inside my shirt as his lips came to mine, my hands raked his silky hair.

"Oh shoot" I said sitting up and Aaron groaned "Grandmother said that we can't see each other twenty four hours before the wedding "

"Don't tell me you believe that shit" he asked frustrated, I touched his cheek causing his expression to soften "no but I don't want to make her sad".

"Everybody matters more than me " he pouted crossing his arms in front of him.

I laughed and kissed him, he looked at my shirt and bit his lip " that's a nice view"

I looked down and yeah few buttons were open giving a clear view of the red Lacy bra I was wearing "I uh I" a smirk came on Aaron's as he pulled me to him.

"I hope you will wearing something this sexy tomorrow as well " he whispered and nipped my earlobe causing me to moan as he buttoned my shirt.

"I hope you will wearing something this sexy tomorrow as well " he whispered and nipped my earlobe causing me to moan as he buttoned my shirt

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