A morning to remember🌷

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I opened my eyes to see I'm snuggled into Aaron's chest my head under the crook of his neck, his hands were wrapped around me and our legs were tangled.

I looked at his sleeping face even though I like him more with his devilish smirk and teasing smile it feels really good to see him this peaceful.

I traced his perfect jawline,How can someone so perfect, be real. I sighed. also how can he be laying next to you. Wow, thanks for the confidence boost.

After sometime I moved his arms carefully, so I can get off the bed but just as I sat strong hands pulled me back.

"Where do you think you're going" he murmured sleepily practically hugging me.

"I umm I need to pee" the inner me facepalmed as I realized what I said and clapped my hand on my mouth, Aaron chuckled releasing me

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"I umm I need to pee" the inner me facepalmed as I realized what I said and clapped my hand on my mouth, Aaron chuckled releasing me.

"I'll see you downstairs" He kissed my nose and walked "don't take much time" he said from the door and I nodded.


I looked around the dinning room to see that Aaron was not there yet. don't take much time,my ass.

I sat beside Cecilia she smiled "I stayed last night, I hope you don't mind"

Why would I? "No not a bit, on the contrary I'm really happy that you stayed, I hope I'll get to know you better"

"this place reminds me of him a lot" She smiled sadly "we first met here, I was invited along with my club members to bake cookies for a orphanage. I got lost and bumped into Alexander, he was very sweet and he offered to guide me to the kitchen" she wiped the tears off her cheeks " my time with him feels like a dream now. A very beautiful dream".

She sighed and took my hands in hers "I am so happy that Aaron is marrying a girl like you, I can see how much you care for each other" I half smiled only if she knew...

"I heard something" Kenny said sitting beside me "what" I asked munching  my toast " it's a talk around palace that last night Aaron was not in his room but yours" he smirked.

"You are spying on us"

"As you know midnight talk and midnight snack are my favorites, I went to the kitchen last night and heard some giggly maids" I rolled my eyes.

"That reminds me What happened with you and Nicholas last night" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

The smile left his face as he harshly said "nothing " Nicholas's eyes landed on us as if he knew we were talking about him. weird.


Aaron smiled reassuringly as we walked to my mother's ward, Alec was already there with her.

"Mom"I said but to my disappointment the doctors had already given her anesthesia and she was unconscious.

I sent a silent prayer that everything would go well as Aaron took me out so that they can start the operation.

I sat on the plastic chair for hours holding my brother's hand.

We rushed to doctors when they came out of the operation theater and I almost kissed the doctor when he said the operation was successful. We can't see her now because she's still unconscious.

I smiled when I felt familiar arms hugging me from behind "told you" he whispered in my ear, I turned and pulled him by the collar of his shirt and claimed his mouth, he was taken off guard for a second before he kissed me back, Passionately!

We broke when we hear Adrian clear his throat "not that I don't like your little show but it's not little anymore" I looked around to see many people had gathered around us and the guards were trying to stop them from clicking pictures.

I blushed and hid my face in Aaron's chest he wrapped his arms around me as he ordered the guards to clear the way for us.


I looked at the picture of the bitch kissing my prince and thrashed the stupid laptop

Someone like her can't have him, he's mine.

I dialed Jayden's number on my phone "I'll help you but she has to die and I will kill her".

I laughed when he replied positively.

I was forced to share everything with you. every fucking thing that I had and now it's time to pay back.

"Aaron is all mine" I said kissing his lips on the poster, soon enough I'll be kissing his lips in real.


"Willow" I looked up from the book I was reading to see Valerie , I smiled and she sat in front of me.

"Only fifteen days are left aren't you excited" it was decided that we would get married on sixteenth of November.

"Yes I'm, very" I answered truthfully.

"Aunt liliac told me that the dress fitting is tomorrow so I was wondering who your maid of honor is" she asked.

I didn't think about it. I looked at Valerie, we have become very close in the past days and I would love to have her as my maid of honor "Valerie, will you please be my made of honor"

She looked surprised "really"


A beautiful smile came on her face as she pulled me into a suffocating hug "I would love to" she screamed happily.

"I can't wait to tell Mom and alec and Noah" she said and cheerfully ran out of the library.

I laughed at her childishness.

I laughed at her childishness

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