🔆they had a child and she filled their lives with sunshine🔆

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I'm sitting on the cold metal chair chewing on my bottom lip and knotting and unknotting my sweaty and bloody fingers.
The only sound in the room is the uncontrollable tapping of my feet and the occasional sob that escapes my throat.

My throat is hurting from crying and screaming, I look at the yellow dress I was wearing it now has bright red patches of blood, my daughter's blood.

Fresh tears started falling down my cheeks, it's been three hours since they took them inside and I haven't heard anything about her condition, yet.

I want to pray but instead only thing I can remember is Amore's favorite poem

The sky is dark and the
ground is white.
The world is peaceful on
This wintry night.
No one around, Not a sound
To be heard.
Not a laugh, not a car,
Not even a bird.
For a moment it's just
Me and Snow.

So, I repeated her words again and again in a prayer.



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