why do people think that pink is the color for girls🙄

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This is Prince's wing you will meet the King and the Queen in the main palace at dinner" lily explained

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This is Prince's wing you will meet the King and the Queen in the main palace at dinner" lily explained.

"We were ordered to not disturb the prince and princess after we arrive to the Palace but since the prince has left, what do you want us to do princess" Laila asked.

I looked at both of their expectant faces " I would love to explore but I'm really tired can you show me where I'm staying".

"Oh yes yes ofcourse"

I walked gaping at the Beautiful palace the hallway was lighted by huge glass windows and chandeliers made rainbow colors dance across the luxurious hall when sun rays fell on them, the walls were decorated with beautiful golden carvings, gorgeous paintings hung on the wall and stunning stone sculptures stood every few feets, everything here was arresting, irresistible, beguiling and beyond perfect.

I walked gaping at the Beautiful palace the hallway was lighted by huge glass windows and chandeliers made rainbow colors dance across the luxurious hall when sun rays fell on them, the walls were decorated with beautiful golden carvings, gorgeous...

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