Authors Note

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Important! Please read

Ok so I know I haven't posted anything in over a month. I was merely taking a break and focused on finishing my school year out so since I'm done and I have been for a few weeks now, that I'm going to get back into writing. I said fuck it who cares how old I am, and I missed writing the stories. (I'm 20 btw, in case anyone didn't know)

I'm going to do things a bit different in this story I'll be updating in sections, for example like chapters 1-5 all at once; instead of one chapter at a time. It'll give me more time in between sections to write and then give you the readers more to read. So since I'm doing it this way there will be longer spaces between updates, depending on how big the section is. I already have the entire story mapped out, and several chapters written, I was originally going to wait until I completely finished writing the story then post it all at once, but I know that if I don't post it and get some kind of feedback then I'll never finish it. So I've decided that this is a good middle ground. Some chapters will be longer than others just as an fyi. Thank you. 😊

Anyway I hope you all enjoy the story!!

Pain and Pleasure - KellicWhere stories live. Discover now