Adoption? No thanks.

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***Serenity's pov***

Hi my name is Serenity Collins and I'm an orphan. I'm twelve years old ,I'm quite shy, I can play guitar, I like to write, I have been in this orphanage since I was about 3 years old, and my biggest dream is to become a famous songwriter.

Most kids who we're put up for adoption want to leave the adoption centre but not me, in fact I love it here. Everybody leaves everyone else alone and stays out each others business , its quite rich so we get fed daily, we have great security so I know nobody can hurt me while I'm here.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not the girl everyone loves and is absolutely perfect or anything in fact I'm the complete opposite of that. I'm the boring brown eyed brown haired girl that no one really notices. I'm the one that's always alone and really quiet. I have no emotional connections with anyone here and I like it that way, so when I turn eighteen and it's time for me to go I won't miss a damn thing here.

I hear somebody clear their throat into the P.A system that goes throughout the centre then a preppy and lively voice begin speaking "Ladies from the age groups 12-14 please get ready we have a viewer coming in ten minuets. Let's see if someone get adopted today" Mrs.K chirped out.

I groaned loudly because that meant I had to bet up and dressed into my disgusting uniform. It was a blueish plaid dress that goes just under my knee and some black tights underneath. I quickly threw it on the brushed my teeth and hair and put it into a side braid and tied the lose hairs back with a blue bandana ,and ran downstairs to line up with the other girl there. I really didn't bother looking presentable I knew I wasn't getting adopted no matter what today

"Alright ladies they're here and in the interview room so when I call your name head in then once you're done come back out here and line up." She squealed and clapped her hands together. I sighed and then everyone said "yes ma'am" back to her. She started reading out names and two girls went in and were in there for about three seconds before they were out again. It went like that for most kids their was a few that lasted a few minuets.

I barely noticed I was the last one who hasn't been interviewed yet and it would've gone unnoticed until Mrs.K called my name. "Serenity Collins you're up" she told me. I sighed heavily and nodded then made my way to the door. Once I was inside I kept my head down and quickly sat in the chair opposite of the adopters.

"Hey there kiddo, I'm Taylor and this is Cameron and were just going to ask you some questions ok." I nodded to them, then I realized something Taylor sounded like he was a boy and Cameron sounds like it could be a boys name. I peeked at them quickly to see if my assumptions were right witch they were; they were both males.

I started giggling a little witch drew the two boys attention to me "why are you giggling so much" Cameron asked. I looked up at them and they smiled at me " A-a-are you guys..." I started then looked around the room before bringing my voice down to a whisper "gay?" I asked trying not to offended them or anything. It's just normally when to guys come to adopt it normally means they're with each other soo.

They looked at each other then back at me before bursting out laughing "No we're n-not gay, but I t-t-totally see why you might've t-thought that tho" Taylor told me still trying to catch his breath.

"Ok sorry, so first question" I said trying to cover up my embarrassment from that question. "Yeah, ok so dear what your name." They asked. "Serenity Darling Collins" I said already annoyed at these stupid pet names and with my head back down. "Pretty name, ok second question, what do you do for fun" Cameron said.

"Thanks" I said blankly before saying "and I like to write, play guitar and play volleyball" I kinda muttered to them. Once I said volleyball you see them tense up a bit. "Alright then, how about do you know who we are." Taylor asked. "Well I know your names but other than that no I don't and I really don't care" I said kinda angrily. "Ok then looks like someone's grumpy today," Cameron teased. I just lifted my head and gave him a 'shut up now or face the consciences' kinda look. That shut him right up.

"Ok last question, what's your favourite hair accessory." Taylor asked. That's really odd question but I brushed it off like it was nothing. "Bandanas." I simply said without emotion but Taylor over there was smiling like a goon and doing a little dance -I think,-in his seat. I got up and started for the door. "Bye" I called over my shoulder as I was about to close the door and walk out. They waved and I went back to my spot in line.

Callie they girl beside me leans over to me and whispered "you're getting adopted today" I looked at her confused and she rolled her eyes at me playfully. "You were in there for 8 minuets while everyone else was in for a maximum of 5, they're so going to adopt you" she explained. " yeah right even if they were I wouldn't ever give my consent to them" I told her. She shook her head then looked back to the front of the room to see them coming out with huge grins.

They walked towards Mrs.K and quietly told her who they picked. She whispered something back but the only word I could make out was trouble. They shook they're heads and whispered something back. She sighed and gave in and then smiled at us before saying "Ok boys go find your new daughter". They looked down the line but before they could come towards me I jumped behind Callie. She laughed but didn't give way my hiding spot.

I could see them clearly but clearly they couldn't see me. Witch made them scrunch up their eyebrows and Cameron bite his lip. "Serenity Collins come out come out where ever you are" Taylor said loudly. I peeked over Callie's shoulder and locked eyes with Taylor who gave me a little smirk. "Found you" he said to himself. He moved Callie and said "Cam I found her" he told his friend and he came over to us.

Cameron tried to grab my hand but the second I felt contact I screamed as loud as I could. One girl name Arabella ,who used to be my roommate stepped forward and pushed him back. "You can't touch her or she'll scream as you just witnessed." He was confused I could see it but he just nodded and knelt down to me. I was currently on the floor hugging my knees to my chest.

"Hey look I'm sorry I touched you I didn't know I wasn't allowed" he tried to soothe me. I just nodded and got up and walked into the office where the paperwork was done with the two idiots trailing behind me.

Mrs.K noticed our arrival and she told the boys to sit down and she gave them paper to fill out. Once they were almost done Taylor raised his eyebrows and said " At the bottom of the paper it says that we need the childs consent". "And I do NOT give it" I butted in. She just laughed at my attempt not to be adopted. "That only applies to children 13 and older" she told them "oh come on my birthday is in like a week I'm basically thirteen!" I started defending. "You're not thirteen yet though Serenity" she said, I groaned in response.

"Ok Serenity you are now legally a Caniff not a Collins" Mrs.K announced. And now I officially hate everyone.


first chapter of my Magcon boys fic hope you like it!!!!xxx spencer

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