Please Remember

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***Serenity's POV***

I did as Taylor said and I pulled out my phone and started looking through my Instagram. There was a picture of Hayes and I dancing together and the caption said 'Sayes,, ship or dip?"

There was a lot of really sweet comments saying they ship it and some terrible ones but I just brushed them off.

I smiled at the picture because it was actually really cute.

I put my phone away and looked around for any of the boys. Much to my dismay I couldn't see them. I started to freak out, there was so many people all around me, I'm bound to be touched by someone I don't know.

My breathing started to get uneven and all I could do was frantically spin around in search of at least one of the boys.

I soon got to dizzy to keep myself up right and I collapsed onto the floor and I hit my head. I felt like I couldn't breath as unknown people circled around me asking if I was ok.

One lady bent down and tried to comfort me by rubbing my arm which only made things worse. By now I was screaming and crying and I still don't know where the boys were.

Finally Matt came running over to me pushing away all the people. "Shh, Shh it's ok baby girl, I'm right here, you're fine no ones going to touch you I promise" He said trying to calm me down.

"Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out" he said trying to control my breathing. A few minuets later I was breathing normally and Matt had picked me up in his arms.

I was shaking and I clung onto Matt for dear life. We walked around until we saw Nash. When he saw me in Matt arms shaking he ran over to us. He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off first.

"Where the heck were you guys?! I was screaming and crying and someone touched me but you were nowhere to be found!" I screamed with tears running down my face.

He looked down at the floor ashamed. "I'm sorry this reporter guy had us on the other side of the room right by the speakers" Nash apologized.

"Then how come Matt heard me?" I asked confused. "I have super hearing" He said. "Where is everyone else?" I asked getting tired. "looking for you probably." Nash said looking around for the others.

"Baby girl! are you ok, is everything alright?!" Taylor asked running up to me with the others following closely behind him. "I'm alright, thanks to Matty" I said and and Matt passed me to Taylor who hugged me really tightly.

"Do you wanna go home now?" he asked as I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I nodded and we made our way out to the limo.

The paparazzi were going crazy, there were flashes making my eyes burn, Some were asking weird questions.

We got into the limo and I sat next to Taylor and Jack J. I rested my head on Jacks shoulder and closed my eyes.

"Matt what happened?" Taylor asked probably referring to me. "she was freaking out I and I guess she just collapsed" Matt explained. "What was she freaking out about?" Nash asked. I didn't hear anything else so I expect Matt shrugged.

"Earlier she was worrying about people touching her, maybe that's what she was freaking out about." Hayes suggested.

"Makes sense, let's just get home, it's been an emotional night" Cam said and everyone agreed as I fell asleep.

When I woke up I was beside Taylor on the couch. Wait, how did I even get here? I rubbed my eyes and looked around, Cam, Nash, Shawn, The Jacks and Hayes were all asleep on the other couch and the floor.

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