Its on

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***Serenitys POV***

It's now 9:30 pm and Team Cash played a trick on Team Tayes. They smack camed them with mustard then sprayed them with silly string.

It was pretty funny to watch but it was also a very amateur prank, I can and will do better than that.

Tonight I'm going to be playing a trick on Team Catt. I'm going to set up alarm clocks in their rooms and make them go off at separate times.

Not only will it piss them off but it will also mean a point for me! It's a win win situation, well for me at least.

"We're heading to bed guys, see ya tomorrow" Nash said and him and Cam went to their rooms.

"Us too, Serenity you should go get ready for bed too" Carter said and I groaned. "fine if I must" I said annoyed.

"You do" Matt laughed and shooing me up the stairs with them following behind me.

I went to my room got changed, brushed my teeth and put my hair into a ponytail.

I could hear Cart and Matt moving around and trying to fit Matts mattress into Carter's room.

They're making it too easy for me!

"Goodnight Everyone!" Nash yelled from his room, probably to lazy to stand up and walk over here.

"Night Trash!" I yelled back using his nickname. "Oh shush up you!" he yelled back to me and I laughed.

I waited about an hour and a half, to make sure Matt and Carter are asleep.

Once I thought they would be sleeping I creeped through the hallway silently and to Carter's room.

I looked through the crack between the door and the door frame and just as I thought, they were asleep.

I had previously taken all the alarm clocks I could find and put them in my room.

I creeped back and got all the clocks from my room and stuffed them in my backpack.

I went back to Carter's room and slowly opened the door, stepping inside. I plugged one in right by Matts head and set the time for 2 am in the morning, which isn't long.

I plugged in about 6 more and the times were 2:02, 2:04, 2:06 ec cetera.

After that I taped a large piece of paper to the wall so when they come out they'll see a sign that says 'wake up hoes, you've been pranked by PRANK MASTER!'.

I left the room without waking them up once and went back to my room. I sat in bed scrolling through tumblr and twitter and anything I else I could do to occupy myself until 2 am strikes.

Once it was the time was closer I sat out side their door waiting for them to come out side and see me and the sign.

Finally after what felt like an impossibly long time, 2 am came and my face filled with satisfaction as I heard the first clock go off, then a thud which seas followed by a couple groans.

"Fucking hell Matt why would you set an alarm for 2 in the fucking morning?" Carter said. "I didn't, I'm not a fucking idiot!" Matt groggily replied.

I tried to stifle my laughs so I didn't give myself away, but it was proven harder then I thought it would be once the second alarm went off.

"Ok seriously, what the actual shiter doodles is going on here?" Matt said and I almost busted out laughing when he said shiter doodles.

What the hell is a shitter doodle?

The boys still haven't turned off either of the clocks yet, which is exactly what I wanted because at this rate they're gonna wake up the whole house and then everyone will witness them getting pranked by a girl.

Soon the third alarms clock went off blasting Katy Perry's song Last Friday Night as loud as possible.

I giggled a bit when Carter let out a girlish scream getting scared by it

The boys started to get curious and they all piled out of their rooms tiredly asking what's going on.

Soon the 5th, 6th and 7th ones went off. I could hear them throwing things around trying to find them.

They finally turned them all off except the one sitting in my hands.

They opened the door to come face to face with me sitting and holding the last alarm clock.

Their mouths dropped at the sight of the poster and that I pranked them so bad.

"Serenity?! You pranked us?" Carter said as I shit off the alarm.

"Yup" I said popping the p. "one point prank master!" I exclaimed as the other boys ooh'ed and made noises.

"She got you guys good" Hayes said patting my back. "oh yeah I did" I said and Matt and Carter rolled their eyes and scoffed.

"We could do better" Carter said and I laughed. "I'd like to see you try!" I challenged and they started getting annoyed. "you're on, we'll win the prank week! and then rub it in your face" Matt said trying to intimidate me.

"Good luck, you'll need it" I said skipping off to my room.

I grabbed a piece of paper off my desk and made a chart. I wrote down all the team names in their columns.

I wrote down a tick in my and Cash's columns to show we each got a point. I'm going to hang it up on the fridge later so everyone can record the pranks.

But for now I need to sleep.


AN: I'm so sorry it's short but I have cheerleading tryouts tomorrow after school so I couldn't write then but I did what I could.

Again sorry, I love you guys,

Xx spencer

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