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***Serenity's POV***

I woke up the next morning fairly late, sometime around 11. I got up and took a nice, quick shower making sure I washed my hair extra well.

I put on a pair of simple black leggings and an oversized button up flannel. I brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair pulling it back into a high ponytail.

I decided not to put any makeup on because I'm way to lazy for that. I grabbed my phone and sat on my bed while checking my notifications.

I had an email from Bart about the tour dates and who else is going to be on the tour.

It was me, Hayes, Lycia Faith, Conner bobay, Matthew Sherrill, Rickey Thompson, Grant Landis, The Dolan twins and finally Sam and Colby.

I was excited to say the least, with all the people on the list it sounds like a good time.

I just feel since I'm a bit younger I won't fit in with everyone else but I'm sure that won't happen.

I turned my phone off and left my room only to go to the music room instead. I've think I'm going to be spending a lot of time in here.

I sat down at the piano and started pushing keys making a slow, original tune.

I started humming along adding in words and I soon had a bit of a song made.

I quickly grabbed a pencil and paper and wrote it down. I played it again but this time I actually sang along.

(This is an actual song just pretend Serenity wrote it. His daughter-Molly Kate kestner)

Everything's gonna be alright

She whispered to herself

She was only six years old that night

That she hid behind that shelf.

Cause daddy had a little to much to drink and mommy didn't want her to feel the pain she felt.

But she still felt the pain.

I smiled feeling happy about the song. Maybe I can sing it in Magcon if it's done on time!

I spent a couple more minuets fixing it up and re-running it.

I honestly liked it a lot.

I made a new vine, this time I was singing Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran.

I stood up and left the music room. I went down stairs and made some toast with peanut butter.

I ate it quietly and by myself, trying to enjoy the very temporary silence. As I was half way done Cam and Nash bursted into the kitchen soaking wet with a laughing Matt and Carter behind them.

"What happened to you two?" I asked trying to hold in my laughs. "Matt and Carter woke us up by dumping ice water on us!" Cam said clearly not very happy.

"Yeah and it was hilarious!" Matt said wiping a fake tear away from his eye.

"No it wasn't!" Nash protested grumpily. "you should've seen your faces!" Carter said ignoring Nash and high fiving Matt.

"We'll get you back, and Serenity's gonna help us too" Cam said and I almost choked on my toast.

"What?!" I asked. "yeah, she's helping us get you back. so watch out" Nash threatened.

"I never agreed to this!" I protested. "doesn't matter, we need your help" Cam said.

"That's not fair! 3 against 2!" Matt whined. "I've got an idea!" I said excitedly.

"PRANK WEEK. GET INTO TEAMS OF SIX!" I screamed so the whole house could hear me.

Soon after that I heard a clamber of footsteps all rushing into the kitchen.

"Did someone say prank week?!!?" Jack G asked happily. "wait for everyone else." I told him and soon everyone was gathered in the kitchen.

"Ok everyone. this is prank week, get into teams of six so it's even. The rules are: nothing that will hurt someone physically too much, nothing that would require a trip to the hospital, if you get pranked then the team that pranked you gets a point, If you lie the other team get two points, don't prank your team members, and at the end of the week which ever team has more points wins. have fun." I explained to them all and they all nodded.

The teams were: Nash, Cam, Hayes, Shawn, Jack J and they're called the 'badass bitches'

Then there was Carter, Matt, Taylor, Aaron and Jack G on the team called 'coolass gangsters'.

"What about you S, what team are you on?" Hayes asked.

"I'll play for both teams. so y'all might wanna get on my good side" I said and everyone looked a bit scared but agreed nonetheless.

"Ok team meeting start on the count of three, you're going to all agree on who your target is and what you're doing to them. 1,2,3, GO!" I said and each team took off into a separate rooms.

I just stayed in the kitchen thinking about who I wanna prank first.

I wanna prank Taylor for revenge about tour. But what should I do to him?

Oh I know what to do, I ran upstairs and went to Cam's room where all the Badass bitches are.

I knocked on the door and Nash swung it open. "hey kid what up?" he asked. "I wanna pull a prank on Tay but I'll need help." I said smirking and he nodded letting me inside.

"So what do you wanna do to him?" Cam asked. "I wanna wrap his car in wrapping paper. I know how much Taylor loved his cars" I explained and they laughed.

"Ok, I thought you were gonna say something like smack cam or something but that works too." Jack J said and I smiled.

"We'll do it tonight after the other team goes to sleep." Cam said and we all agreed. "team badass bitches!" I said putting my hand out.

They put their hands on top of mine and we bounced them three times before throwing them up in the air.

I got up and left to go see the other team.

I knocked on the door and Matt opened it immediately ushering me inside.

"We need help, we wanna prank Hayes but don't know what to do!" Carter said as I sat in their circle.

"Ok, I'll help you. But only under one condition! you have to promise you won't prank me for a day" I said. "promise" They said and I nodded.

"Good, alright let's begin. How about while he's asleep we fill his room with cups of water so he can't get out. Like Thatcher Joe did to Casper!" I suggested.

"We don't know who Thatcher Joe or Casper are but that's a great prank to do." Taylor said speaking for all them.

"Well search him up on YouTube and watch his prank video. Because that's what we're doing." I said sternly and he put his hands up in defence.

"Got it" he said and I stood up.

"Ok everyone meet me in the kitchen in 2 minuets" I said and they nodded before I left.

I went back over to Cam's room and knocked. This time Shawn opened the door. "oh hey S, what do you need now?" he asked.

"Nothing but are you good with your prank?" I asked they nodded their heads.

"Good meet me in the kitchen in 2 minuets" I said walking away.

I went to the kitchen and waited for them to come. Exactly two minuets later they were all gathered in the kitchen once again.

"So everyone is good with their pranks. The war will starts now." I said standing up from my chair.

"So let the games begin" I said leaving the kitchen.


Sorry I haven't updated lately my wattpad is broken and school started too so yeah. but I'll update again soon.

Love you guys.

Xx spencer.

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