Publicity stunt

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The longer I ran the worse I felt and I've been running for an hour and a half. I felt bad for running away, leaving them stressed and worried but they're better off with out me around.

I hate the fact that no matter what happens someone feels bad or is hurt.

I think I'm lost. I ran straight through town and I have no idea where I am. It's like another neighbourhood right beside ours but it's more fancy.

I need to get somewhere familiar soon. I saw a policeman sitting on the park bench of this rich neighbourhood.

He'll give me directions!

"Excuse me?" I asked him, he put his coffee down and turned to me. "Yes?" he asked.

"Um I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could give me directions?" I asked him politely.

"Sure! Where to?" he asked. "I just ran through town and ended up here but my neighbourhood looks like this one but less fancy" I told him.

"I know where you're talking about! Come in I'll drive you there you look tired." The kind officer offered. I gladly accepted his offer and he started to drive back into town with me.

"My name is officer Shanagian, What's yours?" he asked trying to strike up conversation.

"Serenity C" I answered. "What's the C for?" he asked.

"Well I used to be an orphan and my last name was Collins, I still know my real brothers but I was adopted by Taylor Caniff the famous vine star. I ran away because everyone was getting hurt and it was all my fault. But anyways I don't know which last name to go by so I just use C instead." I explained to the officer.

He nodded, "I can tell that your missing your family, Believe it or not I was also a runaway, but I went back home one day and I reliezed how much I missed my family." He shared his story with me too.

"Were they mad at you?" I asked him.

He shook his head and chuckled.

"Not a bit, they were just glad I was safe at home again" he said.

I want to go home... I miss the boys.

"What's your address Serenity?" The officer asked basically reading my mind.

I gave him my address and he took me home.

"Thank you for the ride!" I told him hopping out if his car.

He rolled down his window.

"No problem at all, Here's my card you can call me if you ever need help or just wanna talk." he said giving me his card.

I warmly smiled at him and waved as I went up the driveway. He waved back then left me to stand in front if the door.

I took a deep breath and walked inside. All the boys were spread out across the floor sleeping. I guess they were waiting for me to show up.

I guess the boys were released from the hospital earlier.

I laid down on the couch next to Nash. He stirred slightly but stayed asleep.

"Gosh Taylor! When did you get so small?" Nash asked half asleep.

"I'm not small!" Taylor groggily whined.

"I am though" I said making myself known.

Nash and Taylor's eyes widened and stared at me for a minuet before they tackled me with hugs.

"You're home" Taylor breathed as he hugged me tightly against his chest.

Nash was busy waking the other boys who refused to get up until Nash announced that I was home.

We all had a big family group hug and I felt happy and safe.

"Why did you leave us honey? We were so worried about you" Cam asked.

By now everyone either had tears in their eyes or were crying.

"W-well everyone was getting hurt because of me, so I left. I figured you'd get over me and move on and then you'd stop getting hurt" I explained to them.

"That was sweet but S, were family and that's what family's do" Jack G told me.

We broke the hug and sat down.

"We're so glad you're home, I'm so sorry for yelling at you, it was early and I was grumpy and I thought you were one of the boys and I didn't mean to" Taylor apologized.

"It's ok I understand" I told him. He let out a huge breath and hugged me again. "thank you thank you thank you thank you!" he repeated. I laughed at him and he let go of me.

"Ok so now that you're home I would like you to tell me where you went last night and most of today." Shawn said.

"Last night I was at Derek's house, his parents were super nice people, and today I was around town, I ran far enough until I got to this neighbourhood. It looked like this one, but fancier." I told them.

"That's like an hour away! how did you get home so quick?" Carter asked shocked.

"I asked a police man for directions and then after a while he took me home" I said to them.

"As long as you're safe" Aaron commented.

"Well I'm going to go take a shower and get cleaned up if you don't mind." I said standing up.

"Oh yeah sure, go ahead!" Cam said and I started up the stairs.

"How are we going to do this?" Taylor asked the guys. I don't think he knows I'm still here.

"What do you mean?" Jack J asked.

"Don't you remember?! Bart said we only had to adopt a kid for publicity and to work on our maturity, but once that's done we're going to have to give her back! but look at us! She was gone for a day and we could barely keep ourselves together!" He told the boys.


So I was just for publicity.

A silent tear rolled down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away.

Look on the bright side!

They don't want to give you back.

Too bad they have to.

"Oh my god I totally forgot about that! What should we do?" Hayes asked sounding worried.

"Maybe you should wait until you're sure I left the room before talking about that stuff next time boys" I said making myself known.

They all ran over to see me and their faces paled dramatically.

"Oh shit" Cam said and I ran up the stairs and to my room.

Why am I so hurt by this?

I knew that I would be for publicity.

So why does it hurt more than it should?

Why does it matter so much to me?




Is there to much drama in this?????

Should I dial it down a bit???

Anyways I hope you liked it!!

Love ya's

Xx spencer.

Adopted by Taylor caniff (un-updated)Where stories live. Discover now