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***Taylors pov***

Right now we're waiting in the hospital to be told what's wrong with Serenity. I still don't know what happened when it all when down. All I heard was Brittany screaming my name and then begging Serenity to wake up. By then I was running up the stairs towards her room. Once I got there what I saw made me cry instantly, Serenity lying on the floor surrounded by her own blood. I feel like such a horrible parent, no I know I am such a horrible parent. First we throw her a birthday party just to get drunk with our friends then, we forget her birthday, I punched her biological brother and she saw it, we ignored her the whole time, we never said happy birthday and now she's in the hospital and I don't even know what happened!

I can't tell the boys feel the same way as me and they probably feel about as guilty as I do. Everyone has been crying, even Brittany. She keeps pacing and biting her nails and she seems really jumpy. I can't blame her she saw a little girl crack her skull open and then had her bleed in her arms.

I just wish she would tell me what happened, instead of just telling me to wait and find out. "Mr.Caniff?" A doctor in a white coat and light blue scrubs said. "Yes" I say while standing up. "I'm going to need 2 things. One is consent to give Serenity some needles and two your assistance." He told me looking rather frustrated and tired. "Uh yeah sure, you can give her the shots and what do you need" I asked. He sighed "I just need you in there holding her hand or something she refused to have it unless you were there" he said looking at me. "Yeah ok, lead the way" I told him.

I really don't want to be here. I can't watch someone get a sharp metal stick jabbed into their arm by a complete stranger then have a weird looking fluid injected into them. It makes me sick, but I just got the news that she's alive -for now at least- and awake.

When I walked in I saw my worst nightmare. Serenity was on the table crying, screaming, pleading to be killed because of the pain she was in. She had a bandage around her head and dried and new blood all over her face, she had. Bruises and scratches on her arms and legs, she looked lifeless, pale, terrified, sad and


"Taylor make it stop, make all the pain stop" she whispered to me with tears running down her face. Now I really want to know what happened. "Ok just hold my hand and try to relax. Everything's going to be ok" I said trying to distract her so the doctor could put the painkillers into her IV. Once they were in she started to loosen her grip on my hand and started to fall asleep.

"It stopped, you made it go away!" She said drowsily. "Yeah baby girl it stopped" I told her kissing her cheek. "You're the best daddy ever" she said as she fell asleep.


She just called me daddy

Holy shit

"Thank you Mr.Caniff you were a great help you and your friends can head home we'll give you a call in a few days when she wakes up" the doctor said smiling. Wait what?

"What do you mean a few days, I thought painkillers were only supposed to knock you out for a couple hours or so?" I asked really confused.

He furrowed his eyebrows then shook his head a bit. All the nurses looked at each other and started whispering a bit. "Mr.Caniff we didn't give her painkillers we put her into a medically induced coma. She will wake up but it does take time plus she needs the rest" the doctor told me. My eyes widened and I started freaking out. "YOU DID WHAT, I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THAT TO A CHILD, YOU ARE LOW. PAINKILLERS WOULD'VE WORKED JUST FINE" I yelled at the stupid doctor and stormed out.

"Come on guys get in the car" I said as I walked near them. That all got up and into the car. "What happened dude" Carter asked. "It was the worst experience of my life" I said remembering the image of my daughters beat up body. I looked Brittany right in the eyes "tell me what happened now" I demanded her. She nodded and started telling us what happened.

"Well I was just upstairs making a call and all of a sudden I heard her scream my name a few times. I rushed in and she was stumbling around her room until she passed out and cracked her head open. That was when I was screaming at you to come up and call an ambulance. I had her in my arms trying to stop the bleeding with a shirt of hers and that's when the paramedics came in and took her away." She explained. By the end I was confused about how she got those bruises and cuts on her arms and legs.

"Well that doesn't explain the bruises and cuts on her body" I said to her she looked genuinely confused and lost. "W-what?" She asked I nodded.mwe stopped at her hotel and dropped her off. "Wait why did we leave shouldn't we be waiting for Serenity to wake up?" Nash pointed out.

"I thought they were giving her painkillers but instead they put her into a medically induced coma and she should wake up in a few days" I said looking into the rear view mirror. "WHAT A COMA" Cam screamed as we pulled into the driveway. I nodded again and felt a tear run down my cheek. "I hate doctors, why wouldn't they give her just painkillers?" Shawn added. The boys all agreed and started chatting about today and how bad they feel.

We walked into the house and immediately it felt empty, like in was the only one in this huge house. I sighed and told everyone I was going to bed and some agreed and some just said goodnight. I went to my room and got into bed because I feel drained and it's about 1AM. I laid there for hours tossing and turning but not sleeping. I tried everything I could think of and some ideas off the internet but nothing worked. Finally I got an idea that would help.

I got up and grabbed my pillows and blankets and went to Serenity's room. When I got there I saw all the other boys in there asleep. I smiled a bit and just joined in, and finally fell asleep.

Ohh no what's happening with britt
Why the medical coma
How did she get those scratches and bruises
What really happened when she passed out
Awe she called him daddy
And the boys all had a big sleep over in Serenity's room
How cute :3
Ok well hope ya liked it
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