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***Shawns POV*** (surprise)

I was just talking to the receptionist about Serenity's releasing when I saw a familiar face walking towards her room, Matthew mother flipping Sherrill.

"Um Matthew?" I said with a very confused voice. "Oh uh hey Shawn, what are you doing here" he said when he saw me.

"I'm here for Serenity, why are you here?" I asked. "um me too" he said sounding a bit unsure. "no you're not" I told him and he looked confused.

"Yeah I am"

"No, I won't let you"




"No, and that's final" I said blocking his way around me when all of the sudden Taylor popped up and started arguing with Matthew as well.

"Ugh what do you want" Taylor said and rolled his eyes. "I came to see Serenity" Matthew said. "yeah no shit, but why" Tay asked.

"Because I wanted to talk to her" he said. "let me think about that, no" Tay sassed. "Come on I'm not going to do anything I just want to talk" Matthew pleaded and Taylor looked at me asking for my opinion and I slightly shook my head no.

"Ok" Taylor said which shocked me and Matthew and I was about to interject but I was cut off by Matthew. "Really?!" He asked and I was wondering the same thing.

"Oh god of course not" Taylor said and I laughed as Matthew left the building.

He can't just cheat on her and then come crawling back the second she dumps him.

"What a prick" I say to Taylor who agrees with me and we go back to Serenity's room.

"What took ya so long?" She asked when we came back in. "we ran into a surprise guest but they left, it's no big deal" Taylor said and sat down in his chair.

I smiled and sat down as well. I could tell Serenity didn't really mind that we ran into someone but the boys were definitely interested and were going to ask us about it later.

"So Shawn, when can I leave" she asked. "tomorrow, they just want to make sure there's no water left in your lungs" I said and they all nodded.

Everyone got into conversations but I just zoned out and started observing everyone.

Hayes and Serenity were talking and laughing and she'd occasionally blush. It's been very obvious that Hayes has had a crush on Serenity since the day she came.

In fact on the first day she was here hayes kept telling me about how pretty she was, and how 'adorable' her no touching rule was and now they might be dating.

Serenity was a different story though, we still don't know everything about her but I do know that she likes Hayes but just doesn't know it yet.

Time flies when you're young and in love. (if that's even love).

Now the Jacks were in the corner with Nash and Matt and they were all on their phones, typical.

Taylor was talking to Aaron, Carter and Cam. They looked like they were having fun and being all goofy and trying to make each other laugh.

What a weird family we must be.


woOoOOow an update!!!!


xx supreme


(Or supreme)

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