Why me?

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***serenitys POV***

Recap: Serenity you are now officially a Caniff!
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"Go pack your bags now sweetie!" Mrs.K told me. you could tell she was more than a little excited to get rid of me and my troublesome ways. her loss.

"No, I refuse, you can't make me" I said sassily back. "So I'm getting adopted by two straight teenage boys doesn't that make you kinda worried about what might happen to me? For all we know they could be psycho rapists!! " I yelled.

They all just stood there with their mouths hanging open, clearly shocked about what I just said.

I left the office and went back to my room closing and locking my door and lying in my bed. Why me? I am the last choice people would adopt. I'm troublesome, I'm secretive, closed off, and I can't even be touched without freaking out!!

I hope they change their minds and choose anyone else. I know what you're thinking most kids would be thrilled to be adopted but I'm kind of a 'stick to the plan' type of person. I had my whole life planned out perfectly and now they just walk in and ruin everything for me!

Getting adopted was not part of the plan at all.

All of a sudden there was a knock at my door which pulled me out of my thoughts. "ughh what do you want now?" I angrily asked. "Uh Scarlett can we talk?" Taylor asked through the door. " I would be fine with it if you had the decency to remember your own daughters name by the way it's Serenity." I told him.

"Shit" I heard him curse under his breath. " well I already messed this up" he mumbled. 'hell yeah you did' I thought to myself, but instead of saying that I got out of bed and lazily trudged to the door, unlocking it and swinging it open to reveal a worried looking Taylor.

"What do you want to talk about" I asked him.
he smiled at me and came inside my room and grabbed the black duffel bag inside of my closet.

He started walking around and throwing a my things into that bag, which really wasn't much and he noticed that. he furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me " this is all you have, one pair of shorts, one pair of leggings, one top and your uniform?" he asked. "clothes wise, yes" I said.

"Wow, then tomorrow we're going shopping!" He happily said. I rolled my eyes at him and muttered a "whatever" as I grabbed my guitar from under my bed.

"You play guitar?" he asked sounding confused. "Yup taught myself when I was 10" I proudly replied. he looked amazed and then sad.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked. "Uh I guess?" I said. He looked at ground and started playing with his fingers nervously. "H-how long have you been here?" He stuttered. My happier mood went down the drain and aaas replaced with a grim, sad look. "It would be 10 years next week if you weren't adopting me" I sadly answers his question.

"That long huh?" He sounded amazed. About what that it's been 10 years I have been in here or that I haven't had a proper family in a very long time? "Let's just get going." I said to him "Cameron's probably wondering where we are anyways." I continued. "Yeah let's go." He muttered. I could tell he feels bad for me, and I hate it. You really shouldn't feel bad for a worthless pig like myself.

We made our way back downstairs and I waved goodbye to Callie before heading out the door and getting into the car. I started to get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach as we drove away. I get this feeling every time I'm adopted, and it's terrible. Mrs.K always told me that it's probably just anxiety or something, but I refused to believe it, it's more like a sixth sense, I can tell when something is off. I looked up and away from the window and towards Cameron and Taylor, I could see them whispering about something.

I could barely make out what they were saying but with the few sentences I got it was clear they were talking about me. "How'd it go with you two alone, did she tell you anything about what happened to her." Cam asked. "Kinda I learned that she taught herself how to play guitar and that she's been in there for 10 years!" Taylor responded. "Wow really that's a long time, a whole decade!" Cam said shocked. And that's all I got before we pulled into a drive way.

"We're home Serenity, but before you go inside I must warn you there are about 7 other boys besides Tay and I inside so it will be messy and loud" Cameron warned me. "Then why on gods good earth did you get a girl?" I asked rather loudly. It seems rather pointless to have 9 boys and 1 girl why not just 10 boys, that would be so much easier. "We'll we thought we should get a girl to start evening out people." Cameron explained.

"Fine but don't expect me to be nice" I told him and he started laughing, once he noticed I wasn't kidding he stopped. We all go tout of the car and I grabbed by bags and we started heading towards the house. "Wait, before we go inside I wanted to ask you something!" I said. "Ok shoot" Cam said. "What did Mrs.K tell you about my touching problem?" I asked afraid that they might've found out about my past. "Oh she told us that we can't touch you until you trust us enough, we asked her why we cant and she told us that it's up to you to tell us and not her" Taylor replied.

Thank god she didn't tell them why. "Alright let's head inside then" I said extremely nervous. Taylor opened the door and yelled "WERE HOMEE!!" and then 7 boys came running down the stairs with excited happy smiles. "Oh my goodness is this her??" A boy who looked about 16, and had extremely blue eyes and light brown hair. Cam nodded and the boy came towards me and looked like he was gonna hug me. I got scared and started shaking, but Taylor put his arm up to restrain the boy from hugging me.

"There is one thing about Serenity guys-" Taylor got cut off by the blue eyed boy again. "That's her name; Serenity?" He asked and I nodded. "As I was saying, there are a few rules but the biggest one is that there is no touching her until she says it's ok" Taylor explained. "Not even a hand shake?" Asked a boy who looked an awful lot like Justin Bieber. "No, not even a tap on the shoulder. Got it" I said sternly. They all nodded and then got into a line.

Ok Serenity, these are the boys, there's Cam and I, Nash, Hayes, Carter, Shawn, Aaron and Jack and Jack. Taylor explained. "Hi boy's I'm Serenity Collins-" I started but then got cut off by Taylor "Caniff, you're Serenity Caniff" he corrected. "I'm Serenity Collins and I don't want to be here" I told them. They looked some what hurt but really I couldn't care less. I picked up my bag and guitar and asked Taylor to show me too my room.

***taylors pov***

She asked me to show her to her room and I agreed. All the boys trailed behind me as we were showing her to her 'room' I opened the door to an all concrete room with no windows "here you go" I told her struggling not to laugh. She just sighed and walked in. She put her luggage to the ground and laid on the rickety old mattress. She muttered some thing that sounded like 'I knew this would happen again'. She just laid there. I turned around to see the other boys shocked faces. "Serenity?" Nash said. "Yes" she answered,, "you know we're kidding right?" She looked up and had a confused expression. "You are?" She asked. "Honey why did you actually believe we would keep you in there?" I suspiciously asked.

She looked at the ground and said "let's just say it wouldn't have been the first time." I was devastated, how could someone keep a child in a room like this? She walked out with her stuff and we all showed her to her actual room, she said a quick thanks then closed and locked the door.

What happened to her?

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It sucks I know but I wrote it at like 3 in the morning soo don't blame me!!!

If you want a double update today then please vote for this book!!!

Love ya's

Xx spencer

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