Now what?

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***Serenity's POV***

Well this is officially the worst day of my life ever. Apart from the day I almost got murdered.

Ok maybe the second worst.

But it doesn't matter because I know these people and I know how dangerous they are separate let alone together, so it's likely I'm going to get killed.

Why me tho? What have I ever done to make these people hate me so much huh? I'm a good kid, never done drugs, drank alcohol, had sex, or broken the law yet I have two psycho people out trying to kill me.

When Derek told us the news all I wanted to do was scream and cry but I remained calm so the boys wouldn't worry about anything. If they worry then I'll worry more and then they'll worry more and it'll go on and on.

The boys left Derek and I to watch t.v. Carter seemed kinda... I don't know how to put it? Suspicious I guess.

He has been acting weird since I woke tho. He's just always so quiet and not himself. And now I know that they're hiding something from me.

I was watching the news. The story was about me and my crazy ex parents. Of course it is. I shouldn't be watching this and I know it but I want to.

"Hey Derek when can I go back home?" I asked him while breaking the silence in the room. "Today, if you get checked out and everything's ok" He told me. "Good I just want to sleep in my regular bed at home" I sighed.

"I know, I know, just try to wait it out for me please?" He pouted. "Finee" I groaned back. I just want to leave and go home and sleep in my bed. Not in a bed someone else most likely died in.

Fun fact; I'm afraid of touching, hospitals, needles, being broken hearted and ex family members.

But do you know what I miss more than my own bed? Drew. He's my best friend and I haven't seen him in weeks! He didn't show up to my birthday party either. He was probably busy tho.

"Derek where's Wessy?" I said in a baby voice. Wes is Derek's partner and but I call him Wessy. "He's just in the hallway, want me to call him in here?" He asked. I nodded eagerly. I haven't seem him I'm years!

Derek pressed a button on his little radio attached to his uniform and mumble some words and numbers I didn't understand, and then Wes came in.

"Hey Renity, how ya doin'?" He asked laughing at himself. "I'm doing as good as I can considering the current situation we're in, how about you?" I said and he laughed harder.

"What's so funny?" I asked ,curious to find out. "I came in here talking slang and stuff yet here you are talking like you're 30" he explained. I laughed at myself, because he's so right.

"I guess you're right, I do talk like I'm 30!" I laughed harder.

The boys came into the room at that moment and everyone stopped laughing.

"We hope we're not interrupting anything, but Serenity needs to sign this leave form so we can get her out of here." Cam said handing me a clipboard with papers on it and a pen to sign.

"Finally!!" I said and Derek and I laughed. "What's so funny?" Carter asked as I signed the form and handed it back. Seems like we're doing a lot of the 'what's so funny' thing today.

"Renity here was just complaining about how she wanted to leave and she didn't want to wait, but she's leaving now so no more complaining!" Derek said.

Carter grunted and stomped away and Cam and Nash followed his lead. This is what I mean when I say he's been acting strange. Cam and Nash are too now.

Was it me? Are they mad because I'm bringing danger to them?! Because if so then they can just drop me back off at the orphanage and leave me there I would understand.

What if they really are mad at me tho. Will they actually just leave me? Or will they just give me to a family friend or something. Or will they keep me around so that I don't get more emotionally scared then I already am?

What if they beat me now that they now it's happened before? What if they get what they like to call 'to turnt' and they do something to me! I don't know if I can handle all the pain. Emotional or physical. I can't let this happen! I won't let then touch me!

Maybe people hurt me because I seem to innocent, you know? If I dressed in black and wore dark makeup and was more rebellious then maybe people wouldn't hurt me. Maybe people would be scared of me!

From now on there's no more goody goody Serenity but instead Rebellious Serenity!

"You who anyone there?" Derek said waving his hand in front of my face trying to get my attention.

"W-what?" I asked shaking my head. "you were staring off into space, I've been trying to get your attention for like 5 minuets now, The boys are waiting in the car for you!" He told me.

"Haha whoops?" I said while standing up and going into the bathroom to change. I wore black leggings, a red v-neck, black vans and some sunglasses.

I came out and was escorted through the paparazzi and to the van by Derek and Wes. "Thanks guys see you later!" I said while smiling and closing the door.

As I turned to face the boys my smile faded and I had no emotion at all. They looked at me expectantly, probably for hugs and 'it feels so good to be out' or something, but I just huffed, crossed my arms and stated out the window.

"Are you ok S?" Aaron asked. "Yes I'm fine, and my name is Serenity." I said without moving. I heard a small gasp and a 'what?'. "It's good to have you back with us" Matt said putting his hand in my leg.

I screamed. He took it off and everyone looked at me confused. "Why did you scream?" Cameron asked. "Like you don't know" I spat at him. "I'm confused, can you please explain it to me?" Cameron asked. "I'll make sure to explain this really slow so you understand ok?" I told him. He nodded and I continued.

"" I said, pronouncing every word perfectly. "I thought we were over this" He sighed.

I shook my head and looked back out the window. "She's just kidding, right S?" Hayes said. I glared at him.

"My name is Serenity Collins, not S, Renity or anything else and No I'm not kidding, in fact I have never been more serious in my whole life." I said making eye contact with everyone to make sure they understood my rules.

"Now no more touching, talking, or pestering me!" I told them. They were shocked and sad. Even Carter, or should I say Mr.moody!

The rest of the car ride was silent,

Until Carter screamed,


AN: yo wassup??
Sorry this is kinda late.
I have day camp so I don't have a lot if time to write.
But anywhore
I have a new book!
It's called suicide list!!!
It's a Matt fanfic Js
So yaaaaaa
Love you'ssss

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