Secretive Serenity...

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***camerons pov***

"What was that all about. I can't believe she actually thought that was her room!" Matt said as we came back down the stairs. "I know right, and when she said it wouldn't of been the first time my heart ached for her." Aaron added. "Hey Tay and or Cam do you guys know what her past was like?" Shawn asked, you could tell it was bad from just being around her and from what Mrs.K said but we never got specific details. "No the lady from the orphanage said she had to tell, and that she has specific instructions given to her by her birth parents." I told them. "What about her birth parents, know anything about them?" Shawn asked again. I just shook my head no.

"All I know is that we need to find out what happened to her, and we need to know sooner rather than later." I said. They all agreed with me and then we all went into the living room and started messing around and vining and things. "Shhhhhh everybody quiet, do you hear that?" Nash shushed everybody. We all went silent and we could hear someone playing the guitar and singing.

We could make out the words of the song. I recognized it right away as need you now by lady antebellum.

"Picture perfect memories
Scattered all around the floor
Reaching for the phone cuz
I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever
crossed your mind
For me it happens all the time
It's a quarter after one
I'm all alone and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call
But I lost all control
And I need you now"

"Guys it's Serenity, what should we do, clap, pretend we didn't hear it, tell her that she's good?" Carter asked. "I-I-I don't know" Taylor stuttered. Shawn rolled his eyes and started making his way towards her room. She unlocked her door but it was still closed. Shawn opened it and stuck his head in a bit to see where she was. She was sitting on her bed with her back facing us singing her little heart out.

He opens the door all the way and we walk inside and she stops strumming once she hears us clapping for her. "You guys h-heard that?" She asked looking confused and terrified. "yeah you were amazing, you have some serious talent" Shawn said smiling. We we could see her visibly relax and she let out a sigh. "You only heard me sing?" she asked. "yeah" I suspiously answered. "ok good" she said with a relieved expression on her face. "Is there something we weren't supposed to hear Serenity?" I asked her while raising my eyebrows.

"Uh no, nothing at all, everything's fine, haha" she nervously laughed. I eyed her suspiciously and then left her room.

***Serenity's pov***

When they showed me to my real room I sat down and grabbed my guitar case. I took the guitar out and placed it on my bed for now. Under my guitar there is a note from my birth parents. I've had it since I was dropped off here when I was three. It read:

My dearest Serenity Darling,

We're so sorry my dear but we must leave you with Mrs.K until you're more grown up and smart. We don't have enough money to keep you but I promise we will get you back once we do. Your father says he loves you and he says he can't wait to see you when you have grown into a beautiful young woman. No matter what happens you will always be our baby girl and we want you to remember that. Mrs.K will take amazing care of you I just know it.

See you soon darling, mom & dad.

I started crying I haven't read that note since I was 7 because it would make me cry and I hated crying. I hope they keep their promise and find me again one day. I flipped over the letter and saw a picture of all three of us. It was the day before they dropped me off, everything seemed so happy and amazing on that day. Before I know it I'm full on sobbing. I grab my guitar and sit on the bad and quickly start playing it to cover up my sobs. I quickly wipe my face and start singing need you now.

I've dedicated that song to my parents because every time I play it, it reminds me of how I need them. I wish they would hurry up and find me I want them back so much. I keep singing until I hear claps coming from behind me. I turn around to see all the boys standing in my room cheering for me. I hope they didn't hear me cry, that would've made me seem weak and vulnerable. "You guys h-heard that?" I asked. Cam told me I had talent and then I asked if they only heard me sing. They all say yes but I could see that Cam know there's more to it than that.

Once they leave I put the note and guitar back into the case and shove it under my bed. I got up and was quietly making my way downstairs, I could hear them talking... About me? "She had a note on her bed" Hayes said told the other. "Yeah I saw it to but I couldn't see what it said" Jack J said. "We need to find that letter, it might help us learn something about her past" Nash said. No no no no no they can not find that letter. "No, we are not going through her personal belongings to find out what happened to her, she will tell us when she's ready" Taylor butted in. He's my new favourite. With that I decided its time to make myself known.

"I agree with Taylor, plus that's a terrible way to gain someone's trust" I said walking out of the living room and into the kitchen, ignoring all the 'shits' and 'fucks' coming from them. I started crying a bit as I slid down the side of the counter, that is very personal and it hurts to know someone would do that. I hear someone walk in and sit next to me, Taylor. "Hey kiddo, look I'm really bad at this parenting stuff so I'm just gonna try, they didn't mean it. They would never actually go through your things, and if they did I wouldn't allow them to see you ever again, alright?" He said. I nodded and said "yes sir". I hate everything right now and all I need is a hug, so that's what I get.

I basically throw myself into Taylor's arms instantly hugging him. It took him a second to comprehend what was happening but once he did he hugged me right back.

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Awe she hugged Taylor and y'all learned something about her past yay.

Sorry I didn't do a double update like I said I was gonna do.

Thanks for the votes tho!

Keep voting because the more you vote the longer the chapters will be or more eventful or quicker updates so yaa

Love ya guys

Xx spencer

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