Chris and Crawford?

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***Serenity's pov***

After yesterday's big blow up at Nash and Taylor I couldn't help but question myself. Like was I being a brat? Do they think I'm some kind of slut or something? That would explain why they don't want me around him. But they have to remember I live with 10 boys! They know I can handle myself and they don't need to protect me from a 13 year old boy. They're being a tinsy little bit over protective.

But anyways today was an ordinary day. I woke up and stayed in bed until about 12, then I pretended that I had ate something. I know this is bad and I should eat but I just can't. Then I got dressed and went out for a walk. At three I went to see Drew and I invited him to my party and he said he'll try his best to make it. After that I went back home, locked myself in my room and slept all day.

But that's not really important here, what's important is the day after; my birthday...

I awoke to the sound of the boys running around getting things set up for my party (it's like 12, I know I sleep in late). I still can't believe they're throwing me a party. I stood up got a towel and clothes and went to my bathroom to have a shower. After I had shaved bad washed my hair I got out and dried myself off. I looked into the steam filled mirror and saw a pale, dead looking girl staring back at me. I looked away and came to the decision of wearing makeup today.

I got dressed into a black and white flower print skirt, a black tank top, some black vans and I put a white bow into my perfectly curled hair. Then I put some concealer and powder onto my face and I applied mascara to my top and bottom lashes. I looked back into the mirror and I saw a pretty, alive and maybe even a happy girl staring back at me. I'm so happy that I finally found a family who cares about me as I do them.

With that I left the bathroom and walked out of my room and I started walking down the stairs. I saw all the boys sitting in the living room chatting away about this party and how 'turnt up' they're going to get. Wait are they just throwing a party to invite all of their friends and get drunk? Or maybe they were kidding, yeah they were probably just kidding. "Hi guys!" I said smiling at them. I got a few 'hey's back but no 'happy birthday baby girl' or anything barely even a look over the shoulder. I let a few tears fall because I just noticed that they didn't actually care.

They just wanted to get wasted. Nash looked at me crying, he sighed a stood up. "Hey S why are you crying?" He asked bringing attention to me. "You forgot" I said. They all looked confused. "Why are you throwing this party again?" I asked. They all looked at each other and Cam spoke up "Because we wanted to throw a party? Honestly I don't know, why?" He said. I knew it, I freaking knew it, they don't care they will never care. I shook my head "Well last time I checked it was a birthday party, for me, since you know today is my birthday but clearly you guys don't care" I said.

They looked confused, then shocked, then worried, then sorry, but I wasn't having it. They stood up all saying that they're sorry and that they do care but then the doorbell rang. Since everything's already set up that means their party should start now. So I opened the door to a tall woman with curled dark brown hair and a big smile. "Hi I'm Brittany Furlan, you must be Serenity! Oh my goodness happy birthday!" She squealed. I liked her, even she knew my birthday and I've never met her before. "yes I am Serenity and thanks you're the first person to say that to me!" I told her.

She smiled at me. "You live with 10 people I bet I'm not the first," she said. I raised my eyebrows and chuckled. I motioned for her to come closer "they forgot" I whispered in her ear. She looked sad and then she remembered something. "I got something that my cheer you up, I got you a gift! She said. My eyes lit up and I could feel a smile forming on my face. "Thank you so much, you didn't have to" I told her. "Well I did so you're welcome" she said.

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