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since alex was a little girl, she always dreamed of attending college, getting away from her parents, finally on her own, getting the strong education she always has wanted, it was her heaven.

but really, her parents were still controlling her.

she vowed that she wouldn't take a drink, wouldn't smoke, she would stay focused on her work, on herself.

when her taunting roommate forces her to attend one of the infamous frat parties on campus, she realizes why she vowed to stay away from alcohol and parties.

the frat boys, the alcohol, the drugs, the people, they were all alien to her.

when she met calum hood, she was angry and set on not getting close to him. she kept herself guarded and reserved. she let herself open to the idea of being friends with him but it was already too late.

calum hood's first impression was breaking her heart and shattering her reputation.

but yet, she let him take her heart in his hands with the risk of crushing it underneath his fingers.

little did she know was that calum was broken underneath all the alcohol and drunk smiles.

and she wanted to help him piece himself back together.

calum gave her the courage to control her own life and she gave him the ability to see that he was worth something.

they found themselves in each other. 

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