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Today was finally the day

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Today was finally the day.

The day that my parent's would take me off the leash they've had me on for the past nineteen years. Well, almost nineteen.

I packed all my things into the back of my small car, turning to look at my parents. 

"Are you sure we can't drive you?" My mom asked, setting her hands on my shoulders.

"Yes, I'll be fine," I smiled. "It's two hours in the car, I can do it."

"Alright, sweetie," my mom smiled, pulling me into a hug. "Call us when you get there, tell us everything about your dorm, your roommate, everything!"

"I will." I promised, looking over to my dad.

He smiled before pulling me into a hug. "Call us if you need anything, remember, no parties, focus on your work."

I nodded. "Of course, love you guys."

"Love you too, sweetie, call us when you get there!"

I pried myself from their grip before getting into the car and backing out the driveway. I waved at my parents one last time before starting my drive.

I had been sitting underneath my parent's wing for my entire life, I wasn't allowed to do anything myself. To them, it was good education, good future, and no boyfriends.

Since I was little, I hadn't had any friends, hadn't even been near a boy. But, as long as I knew what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be, it was okay.

I was convinced that college was going to be easy for me. My parents had groomed me to be successful. 

Two hours later, I was sitting in freshman orientation, getting my dorm key and meeting my roommate. 

A girl with chocolate skin met me at the door of my dorm, a large smile plastered across her face. "Hi, you must be my roommate, I'm Jessie!"

I smiled as she engulfed me in a hug. "I'm Alex."

She pulled back to look at me and smiled. We both went inside the small dorm, looking at the two beds.

"Which side do you want?" She asked me.

I shrugged. "Whatever side you want is fine."

She smiled before taking the left side, starting to unpack. 

I unpacked my things, sitting down on the bed, texting my parents. Jessie made her bed before turning around and looking at me, a grin on her face.

"Where are you from?" She asked me, crossing her legs.

"I'm from San Diego," I smiled softly. "What about you?"

"I'm from Oakland," she replied. "What's your major?" 

"Business," I chuckled. "You?"

"Communication," she grinned. "I'm a junior here. 

"Nice," I smiled. "My parents want me to be their future business partner."

"Are you going to the party tonight?"

I quickly shook my head. "No, not my thing."

"The fraternity on campus is really popular," she smiled. "Their parties are amazing and the boys are so hot."

"No parties for me." 

"Suit yourself," she chuckled. "But you're helping me pick out an outfit." 

I chuckled and stood, helping her look through her clothes.

"It has to be something that's revealing and kind of slutty but not like slutty slutty, do you know what I mean?"

I chuckled. "No, not really."

"Revealing but not too revealing."

I pulled a red dress from her closet, showing it to her. "What about this?"

"Perfect," she grinned, trying it on. "Thank you!"

She changed, starting to do her hair.

"I think I'm going to look around campus, I'll see you tonight." I said, grabbing my bag.

I walked around the large campus, taking in the landmarks and remembering the buildings for when classes start. The campus was beautiful really, a lot different then high school for sure.

They always say that college professors are strict and have no exceptions when really, they're chill and hardly ever show up for class. Another reason that I was under the impressions that I college would be a breeze for me.

I was so busy staring at the different buildings and trying to read the names on them that I ran right into someone.

My head bumped into their shoulder, making me stumbled backwards and onto the ground. I groaned, looking up at whoever I ran into.

A boy with caramel skin stood in front of me, his hands shoved in his pockets, sunglasses covering his eyes. Tattoos peaked out of his tank top, a smirk pulling at his lips.

He pulled his hand from his pocket and extended it to me in a gesture to help me up. 

I grabbed his hand as he pulled me to my feet, a chuckle escaping his lips. 

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attenti-" I quickly apologized, pulling my hands from his.

"It's fine," he chuckled, putting his hands back in his pocket. "Are you touring the campus or?"

"I'm a freshman, actually," I replied. "I haven't exactly learned my way around."

"Well, I'd be happy to show you around anytime." He smiled at me.

"Umm, yeah, I-I actually think I got it myself, thanks.." I trailed off, looking for his name.

"Calum." He replied, sticking his hand out for me to take again.

I took it and shook it slightly, looking his eyes. "Alex."

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