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After explaining everything and I mean everything to Jessie, I settled in bed, sighing heavily

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After explaining everything and I mean everything to Jessie, I settled in bed, sighing heavily.

"Did you two do it?"

"That's none of your business."

She turned over and frowned at me. "C'mon, you're supposed to be my best friend."

"Are you and Luke doing it?"

She squinted her eyes, reaching over and switching off the light. "Touché."

I turned over, closing my eyes and willing sleep to come. 


I got up early, showering and calling my mom to see how Ben was doing before getting ready for class.

I waited to Calum to knock on the door before class like he usually did, walking to class but he never did show up. I walked to class by myself, expecting to see Calum in his usual seat beside me.

Instead, Michael took the stop beside me, pulling a smile.

"Where's Calum?"

He turned to me, shrugging. "I don't know, he was complaining about not feeling good last night."

I sighed, looking down at the paper the instructor was passing around. A quiz I'm glad I studied for. I quickly filled it out, flipping it over.

"Do you want to go get some food?" Michael asked after class.

"I actually was going to check on Calum-"

"Please," he pouted, grabbing my hand and sticking his bottom lip out. "I'll pay."

I met his green eyes, rolling my eyes. "Fine."

"Good, because I want some chicken nuggets."

He took my hand, pulling me to his car, where he drove to the nearest McDonald's ordering a big order of chicken nuggets and fries.

I watched him eat, sipping on my iced coffee. "I don't know how you can eat that much."

"I'm a big man, I need big meals."

I laughed softly, silence falling between us. "How's your brother?"

"He's fine, he's stuck at home with my parents for a few weeks, which was probably worse than the accident itself," I chuckled. "I was so scared. Ben was my best friend when I was little, I told him everything. I always hid my breakdowns from him because I wanted him to think I was the perfect little sister just like he hid his because he wanted to be the perfect big brother."

"Sounds hard."

"It was," I shrugged. "But it was worth it. I love him more than anybody. He was my rock, the thought of my big brother being stripped from me. It was unbearable."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, Ally, I think you're amazing."

"Thank you, Michael, I think you're amazing too."

He walked me back to the dorm, stopping outside the doors. "I'm not going in."

"Why not?" I asked curiously.

"I just..I can't-"

Jessie came out, Luke's arm wrapped around her waist, a laugh falling from her lips. She stopped at the sight of me, her eyes falling on Michael.

"Michael, hey," she said, standing up straighter. "How are you?"

"I'm good." He mumbled, not looking at me.

"I'm glad you're doing good."

He turned to her, rolling his eyes. "Can't say the same."

I opened my mouth to say something but Michael just turned to me. "I'll catch you tomorrow, okay?"

I just nodded, my words faltering in my mouth. What the hell was that?


The weekend rolled around and I had yet to see Calum. I was told he was sick and he told me to stay my distance because he didn't want me to get sick. His texts were short and to the point, and kind of harsh.

Saturday was here and I was getting dressed up for the party. I arrived kind of early, expecting to see Calum.

I knocked on the door before walking inside, running into someone's chest. I quickly looked up, meeting Calum's brown eyes.

I pulled a smile. "Hey."

He looked around, a frown pulling at his lips. "Oh, hey."

"What's wrong? You've been acting weird since last weekend."

He took a deep breath, rolling his eyes. "I don't think we should see each other anymore."

My heart stopped, a wave of shock rushing over my body. "What?"

"I just think it's for the best, we're both in college, it's time to experience different things," he shrugged, not looking at me. "It's not like we had anything real, Alex."

"Calum, please, don't do this."

"It's for the best, Alex," he said again, grabbing my shoulders. "Just trust me, okay? You'll hate me now but it's the best for both of us."

"Calum, please, I thought that we had something special, I thought we were us, you know, you and me against the world, baby, please," I said, grabbing his face and making him look at me. "What changed your mind? Was it my parents-"

"No, it's not them, it's me," he said, pushing me away. "Don't talk to me anymore, just leave me alone. I'm serious, Alex, no more between us."


"No," he said, his voice booming through the house. "Stay away from me or I swear to-"

"Okay! Shit, Calum," I breathed, walking backwards and towards the door. "I never should have let you in, much less into my pants."

"It's not like it was easy on my part."

"Fuck you." I cried softly, slamming the door shut.

I started running back towards the door, needing as much space as possible between Calum and I when I ran right into someone, their arms immediately moving to my waist to hold me up.

"Alex? Alex, what's wrong?"

I looked up, meeting Michael's green eyes as I bursted into another fit of tears.

I wrapped my arms around his torso, digging my face into his chest as I cried, his hands going to my hair.

"It's okay." He whispered softly, rubbing my back and moving towards the dorm.

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