Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Secret Revealed

"I'm Serena Blake, Grayson's girlfriend." said Serena cheerfully. She's seriously torturing me. They all looked at me with all the teasing looks, and I just remained still. I took a quick look at Katherine, and she seemed to not be bothered at all. I sighed.

I tried to ignore all of their questions by doing my work. I've never been so thankful to the teacher for giving us so many things to work on in class.

As soon as the class ended, I hurriedly pack all of my stuff. Serena stood in front of my desk.

"I'm going first. I can find my way to my third period class," she said, sounding all serious. She left without waiting for my response. I took a deep breath then exhaled, relieved that she's gone.

I made my way then to my third period class. And just as the class started, I zoned out. I thought about everything and I'm still wondering what kind of a person Serena really is. How on earth did she suddenly appeared last night? I'm very sure I was the only one walking in that street. And the way she left... It was literally like a blink of an eye and she was gone. I also felt oddly sick afterwards. And she always threatens to kill me. How is she so confident that she can do that? Can she really kill me?

"Grayson, it's lunchtime." I was brought back to reality. I nearly fell off of my seat when I saw Katherine standing in front of my desk. "You look like something's bothering you."

"Uh... N-No. I'm fine. I just didn't get enough sleep last night," I stuttered. She smiled genuinely. That's one of the things I liked, and I still do, about her: Her smiles are always so genuine. She's not a total snob to people like those other girls.

"Can you eat lunch with me today? Just for today," she said. I was about to say yes, but then Serena walked in.

"No, he can't. He's eating lunch with me," she said, smirking. I glared at her and she raised her eyebrows as if testing me. Ugh, her fucking rules will surely be the death of me.

"Serena, right? I'm Kath--"

"I don't care," she said, giving her a death glare. "You can't eat lunch with my boyfriend, got that?"

Katherine looked a bit lost but then nodded. She then left without saying another word, and Serena smirked at me as if telling me that she just won.

"Of course I did," she suddenly said. What the...?

I was about to say something when she took my hand and dragged me outside. As soon as we got to the cafeteria, she let go of my hand and sighed.

"You're going to thank me for doing that," she quietly said.

"Why would I?"

She was going to say something but then hesitated. Why is she hesitating to tell me? Oh, whatever. Then she made her way to an empty table by the window and was about sit when Aaron and his friends came and took the spot. I hurriedly went towards them.

"Get lost, Aaron. Serena was here first," I said.

"We sat here first," said Aaron, mockingly. Bastard. Serena sighed and rolled her eyes.

I was about to argue with him even more when Serena suddenly started talking. All of their eyes met hers.

"Move, assholes." And suddenly all of them stood up as if what she said was a command, then they all went away without even saying anything. "I'll sit down, while you get our food."

I glared at her but then sighed and walked to the line for pizza.

When I got back with our food, we started eating in silence. I don't know what to say, and it's not like I want to talk to her either. But still, the silence is definitely annoying the hell out of me.

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