Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
(Grayson's Point of View)

I looked outside the window as the rain pours down. Christmas break is in two days, and I can hardly wait. Partly because Serena told me she would be gone by then. She told me that she needs to go somewhere. I didn't bother asking her because why should I? I don't even care about her. At least I think I don't.

"You're thinking about me again," whispered Serena.

I turned to look at her. She just kept herself busy from taking notes.

It's only our second period class, and I'm already done with this day. I don't even know why, I just am.

"No, I wasn't."

"Gray, you know you can't lie to me," she said, smirking.

She's still busy with jotting down notes on her notebook. I haven't even written a single word in mine. What in the world is happening to me?!

I sighed in defeat. Here we go again with that sigh in defeat. I thought it went away, but it came back.


Third period class.

"Hey, Grayson," greeted Katherine as soon as I got there.

Why does she look so... determined?

"Hey," I greeted back then went to my seat.

Just as I sat down on my seat, our teacher called me and gave me a blue piece of paper—which means I'm needed in the front office.

But as soon as I got out of our classroom, someone grabbed my arm from behind and started pulling me until we reached an empty classroom.

"Aaron, what the hell?!"

He released me from his grip then crossed his arms as he leaned back on the wall. He looks really amused as if there's something he knows that I don't.

"Don't worry. You're not really needed in the front office. I was the one who got that blue note and gave it to your teacher," he said, smirking.

What's with people smirking lately?!

"What for? What do you want from me?"

He chuckled then made his way towards me.

"I just needed to ask you something again because it seems like you haven't put much thought about it," he said seriously. "Do you trust Serena?"

There he goes again with that question.

I furrowed my eyebrows and said, "what do you know, Aaron? Why are you asking me that question again? Tell me. What the fuck is going on?!"

"You just have to say yes or no, simple as that. So why can't you just answer the damn question?"

"I don't know! Hell, how would I know when everything is just confusing around her!"

He smirked again, "you don't trust her. That's good."

I looked at him confused.

What the fuck does he mean by that?! Could it be that he knows something about Serena? Does he know that she's a damn vampire?

How on earth will he know?!

He walked closer to me and patted me on my shoulder, "just keep an open mind, though. Don't judge something, or someone, really quickly. Get all the facts first before you start assuming."

Then he left me still confused about what he just said. Fuck.

As soon as the bell rang for lunch, I immediately left the classroom to avoid Katherine because I know she's going to ask me again.

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