Chapter 27

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Chapter 27
(Grayson's Point of View)

I went to school again all by myself. Though I wasn't expecting anything from Serena, but she sent me a text message saying: "Won't be in school today. Too lazy. And don't you dare skip school again."

It feels weird... Why does her simple text message making me feel some type of way?

What way?

No, no, no. I shook the thought off and started walking towards my first period of class.

"Looks like you're in a good mood," my teacher told me as soon as I got in there. She's smiling at me as if she knows what's up.

"Good mood?" I asked while I sat on my seat.

"Well, you're smiling very widely," she said, giving me a meaningful look.

I was...?

I only gave her a half smile and the late bell rang, so the class already started.

The day went by so fast, and I had a lot of things to catch up on since yesterday was the day they learned new lessons in most of my classes. Ugh.

I also noticed that other than Serena not being here, Katherine and Aaron weren't here as well.

Now where could those vampires be? Even if it's just Katherine... I want to see her. I need to talk to her again because yesterday seemed like a nightmare.

I was on my way to the parking lot when suddenly Alicia—we have anatomy and physiology together—came up to me with a sweet smile on her face.

"Hey, Gray. Any plans tonight?" she greeted.

"No, why?"

"I was wondering if you wanna go see a movie with me? Or we can go to the bowling alley downtown? You pick," she said, smiling at me very sweetly.

Bowling seems fun, but I'm rather not even tempted to go. Tss.

"No, thanks. I'm going on a date with my girlfriend," I said in a cool way, and then was about to leave when she started talking again.

"What? You're still with Serena? But I thought you guys broke up..." she trailed off, giving me a confused look.

"Why are we going to break up?" I said then smirked at her.

I was about to leave again when she grabbed me by my hand and looked at me as if in disbelief, "that's not true. I don't believe you have feelings for her."

I looked at her hand that is holding mine then turned to look at her straight in the eyes, "why wouldn't I have any feelings for Serena when I'm already in love with her? Tss. Get your hand off of mine, please."

Alicia looked as if she's taken aback by what I said and quickly released her grip from my hand. She didn't say another word, so I continued making my way outside to the parking lot.

Once I got inside my car, I lied my head on the driving wheel and closed my eyes.

What the hell was that, Grayson?! Feelings for Serena?! Wooooow! You could've thought of a better reason! Psh. Damn it!

I started the engine and quickly drove off. It was only when I turned the other way of my street that I realized... Where the heck am I going?

I just kept on driving and driving until I arrived at Serena's apartment.

Uh, why am I here?

"What the heck is going on with you, Grayson?! Ugh! What are you doing here, huh?! Why are you here?!" I ranted to myself while tapping the driving wheel.

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