Chapter 19

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Lil recap since I haven't updated for the longest time:
- Katherine revealed that she is a vampire and that she is sired to Hunter, which means she does whatever he wants without any hesitations even though it's against her will.
- Both Serena and Katherine told Grayson that they intend to protect him because one of them is plotting to kill Grayson, which is why Grayson's confused about who should he trust between the two vampires.
- Gray's mom told him the truth about his real parents.

Chapter 19
(Grayson's Point of View)

Yesterday was a blur.

No matter how hard I tried to just clear my mind off of all the things I've learned yesterday, I can't seem to do so because of the fact that they all made a huge impact on my life.

My past is haunting me, my present is drowning me with facts, my future is a fucked up blur...

How am I still alive? I'm suffocating... I can't breathe. I can't handle all of these.

Someone please help me!


I sat up straight at the sound of a familiar voice coming from my window.

"Who's there?!" I said, sitting up straight as I turned my bedside lamp on.

When I turned again to see who the heck called my name, I jumped straight up making me fall down on the floor.

"W-What the---?! AARON?!" I yelled with my eyes wide opened.

He smirked at me but not in the usual mocking way he always does. His arms are crossed while leaning on my wall.

"I'd say sorry for disturbing and scaring you, but I'm not," he said, in fact, seriously then walked towards me that made me crawl backwards. "Spare me the bullshit and just listen to me first."

I didn't answer because I'm not even sure what to say. Aaron sounds so damn serious which made me infer that he's not shitting around with me. I just don't know what the heck does he really want from me now and how the heck did he get inside my damn room!

"I need your help. Serena disappeared, and I know she's in big trouble because she's all by herself. I know you already know that she's a vampire, but you don't know everything about her past. She's one of the strongest vampires but not strong enough to handle the other pure bloods, like Hunter Baisen. He's one of the purest of the pure bloods, one of the original vampires... He's so powerful that only another original pure blood vampire can defeat him."

"B-But why is S-Serena in b-big trouble?" I stuttered, too clueless about everything.

"Because she escaped from Hunter's hands. Serena doesn't want to kill you and will never kill you, and that's against Hunter's deal with her."

"So she really meant what she said..." I whispered to myself, but it seems like Aaron still heard it.

"Yes, she meant whatever she told you."

"Wait, if you know all about this... does it mean you're a vampire as well?!"

Aaron sighed and rolled his eyes, "stupid. I thought you already figured that out earlier."

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