Chapter 24

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Chapter 24
(Grayson's Point of View)

We sat down on her sofa, putting distance from each other. We haven't spoken to each other since I put the picture frame back to its place.

"Why didn't you tell me in the beginning?" I asked, finally breaking the awkward silence between us.

"I didn't see any reason why you had to know," she said with a blank expression. "Besides, what do you care if he's my cousin or not?"

"I just can't believe you two are related. And here I thought he has a thing for you," I said, saying those last words in a hushed voice.

Serena started laughing while shaking her head as if in disbelief, "ha ha ha ha! What the hell?! Me and Aaron?! Ew, that's disgusting!"

"Well, 'cause remember your first day in school? He talked to you, right? He was smiling and everything, so I assumed he was flirting with you. Tss. Anyone who saw you two that day would think the same."

She started laughing again, and I feel so embarrassed.

"Heck no! He was mocking me that day. He's trying to make me mad. He did that because he was mad at me because I left him for seven years, but now we're okay."

"But I thought you were mad at him?"

"I was because he betrayed me, but that's another long story," she paused for a second, looking at me suspiciously. "Now wait a minute... Why are you suddenly so interested about my story?"

My eyes widened, and I looked at her in disbelief.

"Me?! Interested in you?! Heck no! You're not that attractive! Ha! No way! Never!" I retorted, crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows.

"I didn't say you're interested in me, I said in my story! Ha ha ha ha!"

Serena started laughing again, and I've never felt so embarrassed in my entire life. I already know that I'm as red as a tomato right now. Tss.


"You're even blushing..." she teased.

"Shut up, will you?! Tss. I'm not blushing! I just feel... I just feel... Whatever! Ugh. I'm gonna go," I said and stood up, but she held my wrist and pulled me down—forcing me to sit back down.

"You haven't told me, yet, though," she said as she pouted her lips like a child. Psh.

"Tell you what?" I scooted back to where there's more distance between us.

"You found out something, didn't you? About your past?" she asked plainly yet her eyes are filled with curiosity.

I looked at her confused, "what—how did you know?"

"I've been wanting to talk to you about this, but it always slipped out of my mind."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Psh. I was getting to it," she said, giving me a look. "Anyway, I read your mom's mind accidentally. No, actually, it's like she meant for me to read her mind."

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