Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
(Grayson's Point of View)

Christmas day.

It's snowing outside, so I decided to go out and get some fresh air. I took my phone with me and called my mom.

"Hey, Mom. Merry Christmas to you and Aunt Timmy," I said with full of energy.

"Merry Christmas to you too, sweetie! I'm sorry if I couldn't make it there," she said softly. "But the good  news is your aunt is already better and she is going to be discharged by tomorrow morning."

"She's better now?" I said then sighed in relief. "Thank goodness she's all right! Can I talk to her for a bit?"

"Sorry, hun, she's asleep right now. She just took her medications, and she needed to rest. I'll make sure to let her call you tomorrow."

"Okay, thanks Mom," I said then we both hung up.

I looked up at the clear blue sky then took a deep breath. Though Mom's good news did cheer me up a bit, I still feel so unease about what Serena told me that one day when Katherine was here with me.

She told me she trusted me? What exactly did she mean by that?

I took a deep breath and shook my head.

I shouldn't be worrying about this.

But I really can't help it...

"Merry Christmas," I said under my breath.

Back to school.

It's been almost two weeks since Serena last talked to me. I still don't have any news about her, and it's not like it's any of my business to know her whereabouts.

Other than thinking about Serena, I was actually quite preoccupied by my mom's Christmas gift to me. After the 25th of December, my mom came home with Aunt Timmy but there were two cars that came. One was my mom's and the other was unfamiliar to me since I know what Aunt Timmy's car looks like. Later did I find out that the car my mom was driving was actually for me, while Aunt Timmy drove my mom's car.

I was, of course, really surprised and ecstatic because it wasn't the gift I was expecting she would give me.

Though I really wanted to use it to go to school, I can't because I still have to get my parking permit. So I walked to school even though it's freezing cold outside.

I got to school pretty early, having thirty minutes or so till classes start, and I decided to go to the back of the school where the football field is located. I immediately stopped walking as soon as I saw Serena sitting on the bleachers, looking right at me with a smirk on her face.

"Figured you'd be here," she said as she stands up. "Long time no see, boyfriend."

Just as I was about to walk away, she came so suddenly right in front of me that made me jump back a little bit.

"Leaving me already?" she said then pouted. "I missed you. Didn't you miss me, Gray baby?"

Serena sounds so sarcastic that it makes my blood boil.

But on the other hand, why do I get this feeling that I've been longing for her presence? Why do I feel like I did miss her—terribly, awfully bad?

She looked right at my eyes and said, "you're blocking your thoughts from me again, Gray baby. How are you doing that? What are you thinking?"

I looked down and shook my head, "nothing. It's none of your business."

"Fine, let's keep secrets. In fact, how about we play a little game? I'll try to find out what's going on between you and Katherine, and you'll try to find out what I've been up to," she said with a hint of mockery in her tone of voice. "It's an easy game. I'm really excited yet curious about how this game is gonna go, but I sure can't wait to see your expression once you find out my deepest darkest secret."

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