Chapter 33: Grayson's Birthday

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Chapter 33: Grayson's Birthday
(Serena's Point of View)

"You're an original pureblood, Grayson."


I knew it. I should've known.

But how come I didn't sense it before? Why didn't I figure that out earlier?

That night when I compelled him not to move, it didn't work on him. He still ran away, and he even disappeared like a vampire.

I should've figured it out way before that Grayson is a vampire. The most basic reason why I couldn't compel him at all is because he's a damn vampire, an original pureblood for that matter.


My mind is a fucked up blur! I don't know what the hell am I supposed to do now!

The fact that Grayson's parents were the ones who killed my family...

"No," Brenda suddenly said, giving me a meaningful look. "They weren't the ones who murdered your family."

I looked at her with my eyebrows furrowed.

"W-What? What do you mean?"

"It was me."


"WHAT?!" I yelled, standing straight up.

I couldn't believe this! I couldn't believe anything! Everything's so damn confusing!

"I killed your family, Serena," Brenda said—CALMLY AND CASUALLY.

"M-Mom," stuttered Grayson, but Brenda started talking again.

"I was the murderer, Serena, but it all happened for a reason."

"What could possibly the reason be, Brenda?! Tell me! You killed my family for a reason?! Fuck that! That's bullshit!" I yelled as I felt my face heat up and my eyes became teary. "Tell me, Brenda! Explain to me why the hell you killed my family!"

I felt my tears escaped from my eyes, but Brenda remained calm as if she doesn't even give a damn!

"We have to plan on how to kill Hunter first. Grayson's birthday is tomorrow, Serena," she said.

I balled my hands into fists and laughed sarcastically.

"Ha! What makes you think I'm still going to help you?" I said with a hint of sarcasm in my tone of voice. "What makes you think that I'll still help you when both of you are the reasons why I became the way I am?! You were the one who made my life miserable! You turned me into a monster!"

"That was your choice!"

"I wanted to die! I wanted to kill myself! I lived my life with fear and anger that I became a monster and took many innocent people's lives! That's how much you impacted my life, Brenda! And you didn't even dare tell me right in the very beginning. When I first entered your house... Now I know why you were giving me such meaningful looks when I first came here."

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