Chapter 31

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Chapter 31
(Grayson's Point of View)

There are four days left till my eighteenth birthday.

And I don't know if it's just me or have I really been feeling and acting weird lately?

When I go to school and look at a particular person in my class, it's as if I can hear what they're thinking. We took a test earlier in Anatomy and Physiology, and I can hear what other people are thinking—their answers, their analysis in each given scenario, their guesses... And I was only able to focus when I looked at Serena.

She's been ignoring me since the school started. Whenever I try to talk to her, it's as if she's not in the mood or something.

I don't know what exactly the reason behind this, but I can really sense that something's up. And she's just hiding it from me.

After the school ended, I immediately went up to Serena once I saw her coming downstairs.

"S-Serena, c-can I talk to you for a minute?" I stuttered, not even sure why I feel eager to talk to her.

She looked at me for a second before she started talking, "Not now, Gray. I have to go home early."

Serena walked passed me without even looking back, and I watched her until she got outside of the school.

O—kay? Why is she acting weird lately? We were fine two days ago when she invited me over to her apartment.

What happened?

Oh well...

"Hey, are you okay?" somebody asked that brought me back to my senses. "Hey, Grayson, are you okay?"

I turned to see Ivan looking at me with his eyebrows furrowed as if curious.

"Y-Yes, w-why do you ask?"

"Nothing. You just look really... lost? Hmm, never mind," he said while shaking his head as if shaking the thought off. Then he added, "Anyway, Maureen is looking for you. She's in the library."


Ivan shrugged and said, "I don't know. She just told me to tell you if I bump into you along my way. Well, I gotta go. Byeeee!"

He didn't wait for me to respond and just went outside of the school. I sighed and made my way to the library.

Why does Maureen want to see me? We barely even talked before. We have Calculus together, but that's it. We're not even friends.

Just when I got there, I saw her right away checking some books from the fiction section.

"Uh, hey?" I said in a hushed voice. "Ivan said you wanted to see me?"

Maureen smiled and said, "You came. I thought you wouldn't make an effort to actually come see me here."

I looked at her awkwardly, not sure what to say.

"W-Well, I just thought it's something important."

"You're right because I do have something important to show you," she said with a mere smile on her face, suspiciously amused. "Here. I thought you might wanna see these."

She handed me an envelope, and I opened it right away. There are some pictures inside of it, so I took them out.

Katherine and Aaron...

"What the---When did you take these and why?" I asked sternly, trying to keep my crap together.

Maureen smiled again as if enjoying this moment, "Well, I thought you might be interested to see those. Katherine was your first love, wasn't she? I've been a fan since day one, and everything got ruined when that Serena girl came! Ugh!"

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