Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
(Grayson's Point of View)

I can finally breathe.

It's third period, so I don't have to see nor talk to Serena anymore. I feel so relieved!

After we held hands until we got to our first period class, we became extremely awkward to each other. We instantly let go of each other's hands when people started teasing us.

I swear I felt like I turned as red as a tomato a while ago, maybe even more red than a tomato. Ugh.

I was brought back to reality when someone poked me on my shoulder from behind. I turned around to see who it was, and it's Katherine. She's smiling at me, a genuine one, and I suddenly forgot about the whole holding hands with Serena thing.

"Hey, Grayson. Can I have a word with you?"

I didn't realize the bell already rang, and it's finally lunch time. People started leaving the classroom until it was just me and Katherine.

"Uh, sure," I said, smiling back at her. "What's up?"

Her smile widened. "Well, I was wondering if you want to go to the coffee shop nearby after school. I really, really want to talk to you."


"No, he can't go after school. We have a date later."

Katherine and I both turned around to see who it was. Unsurprisingly it was Serena. Her arms are crossed and she's smirking at us. She walked towards us and took my hand.

I gave her a death glare and she just winked at me.

"Sorry, Kath. Maybe tomorrow?" I told Katherine, giving her a sincere look.

"Okay, sure---"

"No, he also can't go tomorrow. He can't go with you ever because we have a date every single day."

I looked at Serena and she was just smirking at Katherine, not taking her eyes off of hers.

"Let's go eat lunch, Grayson," Serena said, and then we left.

I'm really pissed because I badly want to argue with her, but I can't do that since it's against rule number one.

Damn it.

As soon as we got to our seat in the cafeteria, I noticed that Serena looks like she's lost in her thoughts. Really lost.

"Hey?" I said while I poked her hand.

Serena still didn't budge like she didn't even hear me nor felt my finger poked her hand. She was just staring outside. I looked at where she is staring, and there's just the empty field.

"Serena..." I said, touching her hand. "Uh, are you okay?"

She shook her head a little bit and said, "There's definitely something wrong about it."

"What is?"

She shook her head again and sighed. She grinned at me and said, "That empty field. Anyway, why aren't you getting our food? Lunch will be over in twenty minutes."

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