Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I've been wanting to call Serena, but it's going to make me seem like I'm worried about her.

Am I worried about her?

I don't know. I don't want to be, or at least I don't want to seem like I am.

It's been three days since I last saw her. She hasn't gone to school, and she hasn't come to my house either.

I know I should really feel glad about it, but there's something inside me that makes me feel... Sad? Bothered? Uneasy?

Just as I was about to press the call button for Serena, Katherine's name popped up—calling me. I answered it right away since it might be urgent.

And the fact that it's Katherine. When it comes to her, my heart still skips a beat just like when we were still together.


"Grayson, can we meet up right now in the coffee shop nearby the mall?"

There's a hint of anxiousness in her tone of voice. She sounded like she really wants to meet up with me to... tell me something important?

But what could it possibly be?

Perhaps... Perhaps she finally decided to tell me she wants to have a proper closure? The finale of us?


I shook my head and hesitantly said, "S-sure."

"I'll see you then," she said then hung up.

There's definitely something up with Katherine, I can tell.

And I kinda want to know what she wants to tell me, I kinda don't.

I quickly dressed up and went downstairs to my mom's office room. I knocked before I entered.

"Mom, I have to go to meet up with Ka---I mean Serena in the coffee shop nearby the mall. I'll be back by eight o'clock."

My mom smiled at me, and I felt my heart ached.

I lied to my mom again.

"Sure, sweetie. Have fun with your date with Serena!"

"What?! Date with Serena?!" I retorted. My mom suddenly looked at me confused. Oh, right. I scratched the back of my neck and smiled. I added, "I-I mean of course! I'm just a little bit... nervous."

My mom laughed. "Oh boy. Just go, Grayson. You don't want to be late on your date with Serena, do you?"

I just smiled at her then left.

In about twenty minutes or so I arrived in the coffee shop. Katherine wasn't there yet, so I ordered our drinks—mine is just caramel macchiato and hers is vanilla frappe, her all-time favorite drink from this coffee shop.

I sat down by the window right in the back corner. I looked outside and saw Katherine getting out of her car.

She's all dressed up. She looks amazingly beautiful. I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach.

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