Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
(Grayson's Point of View)

Christmas break. Saturday. 12:00 noon.

It's already been three hours, and my mom hasn't called nor texted me yet.

Where is she?!

I dialed her number again for the nth time, but I only ended up in her voicemail.

Mom, seriously! If I die because of you, I will haunt you for sure!

I turned around and went back to the department store she was at to check if she's really not there. I've been searching for her everywhere, but she's nowhere to be found.

Just as I was about to ride the elevator to go upstairs, I saw Aaron and Katherine talking very intently just around the corner.

So me being me, I went closer to them to eavesdrop.

"No, obviously I can't do that," said Katherine in a hushed voice. "You know I can't. I have no—Grayson?"


I came out of the corner and walked towards them while scratching the back of my neck, trying to hide the fact that I was eavesdropping on them.

Of course. Me being me, I always get caught.

"I was just... I was just about to go up," I reasoned.

Aaron looked so amused about what's happening, and I don't have a single clue about why he's being so weird. The way he looks, the way he acts, the way he speaks... Lately he's been very suspicious.

"Oh, okay. Well, I'll see you both whenever. Merry Christmas you filthy animals," said Aaron, patting my shoulder then left quickly.

So it was just me and Katherine left again.

"Were you eavesdropping on us?" asked Katherine.

I turned to look at her, and I felt my face heat up.

"N-No, I wasn't."

"You're not a very good liar, Gray. We've dated for over a year, so I know you pretty well," she said while smiling.

"Right," I said then chuckled.

"I thought you already left with your mom? I saw her went out of the mall already with all the stuff she bought."

"What? When did you see her?"

"It was like an hour ago. I even bumped into her, and she told me she's already going back home. I assumed you were already in her car or something, so I was really wondering why you're still here," she said, looking all confused about everything.

"Damn it," I muttered.

I can't believe my mom left me! How can she do that to his one and only son? Not to mention I'm extremely handsome that someone might kidnap me and make me their sex slave! Didn't she think about that?

But kidding aside, I really can't understand why on earth my mom would just leave me behind. Did she have an emergency? If so, why didn't she call me? Or just text me at least?

"Do you need a ride then?" I turned to look at Katherine who's looking at me with full of concern.

I smiled at her sweetly, "yes, please."

So we went to her car.

"Hold on, I have to put these in the back. You can go ahead and ride inside," said Katherine once we get there. She opened the compartment of her car, while I rode inside her car.

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