Chapter 29: Countdown

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Chapter 29: Countdown
(Grayson's Point of View)

"Grayson, can you promise Mommy and Daddy something?"

The little boy smiled and nodded his head eagerly, his eyes full of happiness and adoration.

"Yes, Mommy!" he exclaimed cheerfully.

The woman smiled back at him that made the little boy smile even wider.

"Whatever life brings you, promise me you're going to be brave. Promise me to have courage. Promise me to be stronger and not let anyone tear you down," she said, caressing the little boy's cheek. "Could you promise us that?"

"Yes, of course, Mommy!" he answered with full of energy. "I promise to be a brave and strong boy!"

"I love you, Gray," she said as she hugged him.

The little boy hugged her back and said, "I love you too, Mommy."

I suddenly woke up.

I clutched my chest tight as I felt my heart beating fast. I also felt tears on my cheeks, so I immediately wiped them off.

What was that? Could it possibly be another memory of mine from the past?

I wasn't able to fully recognize the woman's face because it was all a blur. And it really annoys the heck out of me that I couldn't see the woman's face clearly...

If she's my real mother, I wonder what happened to her... and to my dad. What happened to them? Where did they go?

Since I couldn't go back to sleep anymore, I looked at my digital clock on my bedside table. It's only six o'clock in the morning, and I don't have school today since it's Saturday.

I stood up and stretched then went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. After that, I changed into my working out clothes and quickly went downstairs to get my bottle of water.

Thankfully my mom is still asleep because I can't face her just yet. I don't want to talk to her knowing that I've just had another dream about my real mother.

Just after a few minutes of running nonstop, I made it to the park nearby. There weren't a lot of people except for the other joggers, cyclists, and dog walkers.

I rested down on one of the benches and drank my bottled water. I wiped off the sweat on my face and my neck.

And just when I was about to start running again, I noticed two people by the swings in the playground.

Aaron and...Katherine?

What are they doing there at this hour? Why are they even together?

Before I could even think things through, I walked towards them. And just when I was about to make them aware of my presence, I stopped walking right away. I wasn't close enough to them, but I can hear their conversation.

"I'm really glad that you're allowing me to court you," said Aaron with a sweet smile on his face.

What? Court her?!

Katherine smiled back at him, "You're worth the risk."

"I'll find a way. I promise you that I'll try my very best to free you from Hunter."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Katherine replied and then held his hand as if to reassure him. "It's okay, Aaron. I'll be fine."

"How are you going to be fine when Hunter can easily manipulate you?"

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