Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
(Grayson's Point of View)

Christmas break. Saturday. 4:00 AM.

Today is when Serena will be leaving for Georgia.

"I'll be back in three days," said Serena seriously. "Just keep in mind what I told you, will you? Stay at your house as much as possible, but you can go out for two to three hours."

"I know, I know. I got that already," I said then rolled my eyes.

She told me that for the nth time already, and it's really annoying the shit out of me.

"Grayson, I'm not kidding or anything. You have to promise me," she looked directly at my eyes. "Promise me, Grayson. There's no way in hell you can meet up with Katherine nor Aaron, got that?"

I sighed, "I promise I won't."

She smiled at me, a genuine one, then hugged me really tight.



"Shh," she said, still not letting me go from her tight hug.

Why is she suddenly being like this to me? Why is she suddenly showing me this side of her?

And why is my heart beating so fast again?

Serena released me from her hug and looked directly at my eyes.

"You're blushing again."


She smirked at me again then disappeared in a blink of an eye.


9:00 AM

"Grayson, you wanna go shopping or something?" Mom asked while I was busy typing something in my computer—just school related stuff. I just want to arrange all of my scholarship applications for college.

"Uh, sure. But can we make it real quick, though? I still need to finish this," I said as I grabbed my coat, beanie, and scarf. "We have to be back here in three hours at most."

I told her that partly because I really, really need to work on my applications. And the other part is because of what Serena told me.

"Okay? Sure," said Mom. Good thing she didn't bother asking why.

We went to our garage and rode inside her car. It's freezing cold outside, and the streets are filled with nothing but snow except the roads of course. Good thing it's a sunny day, otherwise everything and everyone will look awfully mundane.

As soon as we got to the mall—it was just a fifteen-minute drive—we went to the coffee shop first.

But then when we got there, I was greeted by her genuine and lovely smile.

"Grayson? Hi," said Katherine as she stood up from her seat and walked towards us. She smiled at both of us then added, "Good morning, Mrs. Collins."

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