Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
(Grayson's Point of View)

I still haven't any idea why do I have to choose. Can I not choose because they both have done something so cruel? They're vampires and they kill people for Pete's sake!

And why am I so involved with them in the first place? What do I have that they need?! Why me?!

There are so many questions in my head, and I feel extremely mad because I know damn well they're not going to answer me. I know damn well nobody's going to answer my questions, and it's so annoying!

"Me or Serena?" Katherine asked once again.

I only looked at both of them, still deciding who to choose. I mean I guess I really have no choice but to choose, and it's quite hard.

I would definitely choose Katherine over Serena since I still love her, but there's this part of me that's telling me to choose Serena.

"Then I choose..." I trailed off, still thinking everything through.

Katherine is not the girl she used to be, the girl I used to love so damn much. She's changed; she's so different now. She's become an evil, murderous vampire, and I can't handle that.

Serena, on the other hand, is also like Katherine. She's killed tons of people already, for sure, but I really get this feeling that I trust her. My guts is telling me to trust her. Why is that? I don't know.

Fuck it...

"I choose Serena."

Serena looked so surprised when she heard me say that. Even I was surprised by what I said.

I don't know if I only imagined it, but when I looked at Katherine she seemed... happy? But why would she be happy, though?

UGH! More questions! I should stop thinking about every single thing and just go with the flow, damn it!

"M-Me?" Serena said, obviously surprised.

I only nodded my head as an answer.

"Well," started Katherine. She looked at me then at Serena. I swear she looks so damn suspicious! "I guess it's you. I hope you're one hundred percent sure about this, Grayson. There's no turning back on this one."

As she was about to leave, I noticed that she gave Aaron a meaningful look. But Aaron seemed like he's terrified. He looks as if he's nervous about something.

"You all right?" I asked him.

He turned to face me and nodded his head.

Aaron cleared his throat before speaking, "y-yeah. Why do you ask?"

I decided to shake the thought off and said, "nothing. Just asking."

"G-Gray... Why did you choose me?"

Serena looked confused, and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Why, you don't want me to choose you? Tss," I hissed. "And I thought you'd be really glad that I chose you over her."

"No. I mean yes I wanted you to choose me, and I'm thankful that you chose me."

"Tss, let's go. You can sleep in my house since it's already late," I said coldly.

"My intentions are clear. I don't mean you any harm, I promise."

Serena looks and sounds so sincere that I couldn't help but feel bad because I'm being rude to her.

"I know that already."

"I'm just reassuring you."

We then made our way out of the woods and back at my house. The three of us stopped outside in front of my house.

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