Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
(Grayson's Point of View)

I heaved a sigh and sat beside Serena on my bed. We sat there in silence, and it started feeling awkward between us.

Why must I sit beside her? Damn, I'm only making it harder for myself!

"S-So, just to c-clarify," I stuttered then I cleared my throat. "You're really not going to kill me?"

"No, I'm not going to kill you."

"Do you really mean that?"

Serena rolled her eyes, "yes, I mean that. I have a different plan, okay? Don't worry about it too much. All you have to do is to fully give me your trust. That no matter what happens, you will trust me. Can you promise me that?"

It took me a second to respond. Then I nodded and said, "okay, I will trust in you from now on."

"Good," she said then smiled at me genuinely.

"And now we're going to keep doing the contract? How about the rules? Are they still...?"

Serena chuckled and shook her head, "no, you don't have to worry about the rules anymore. And besides, it's not like you've been abiding by the rules in the first place. How many times was it that you defied me and argued with me? The only rule you haven't broken is rule number three, unless you're keeping it a secret from me."

Rule number three? What's that rule again?

Rule number three: Don't fall in love with Serena.

Oh, that rule...

I started laughing and she looked at me teasingly. I shook my head and said, "no, no, no, no. Never. I wouldn't, so don't worry! Ha ha ha! Don't you remember? I still have feelings for Katherine. Ha ha ha ha!"

"Speaking of the devil. Gray, you can't talk to her anymore, got that? Katherine is very suspicious, which means she can't be trusted. Avoid her as much as possible because she might harm you in some way. And it's not like I'm going to let her harm you. She has to get through me first."

I looked at Serena and gave her a genuine smile, "even though it feels weird because you're talking about Katherine as some sort of a bad person, I somehow believe you. Because I feel it, too. She's been acting weird lately, and she suddenly came up to me telling me she wants me back. Isn't that suspicious?"

Serena didn't respond. She looked away and stared at nothing in particular as if she's thinking about something. She's planning on something, I can tell.

Why do I feel like this? I feel like I can trust her with my whole life, and there's this part of me that tells me that I'm doing the right thing—that trusting her is the right thing.

And why so sudden? One time I despised her and I was terrified of her, but now I feel at ease when she's here as if her being a vampire doesn't threaten me anymore.

"Gray?" she said, bringing me back to reality. "Did you hear what I just said?"

"U-Uh, no..." I said honestly.

She heaved a sigh and said, "I thought of doing something different. I changed my plan, and I think it's worth the risk."

"W-What's worth the risk?"

"I need you to act as some kind of a spy. You need to get more involved with Katherine."

"Wait, what?!"

Serena rolled her eyes, "it's not going to harm her, Grayson. You're just going to find out her real motive. Don't you want to know why she suddenly wants you back? After a year—was it a year?—of being apart from each other, didn't you say it was suspicious?"

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