Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Now about our contract..."

I swallowed.

Shit, I'm cornered.

"...I'll be your girlfriend for the next two months, until exactly your birthday. On the day you turn eighteen, our contract will be over. You'll never see me again after that."

When she gave me an evil grin, I got goosebumps again.

There's something about what she said that's making me feel weird and oddly nervous. I swallowed again, "O-okay... B-but---"

"And of course the rules still apply. Break them, and I'll torture you to death."

I'm too stunned to even speak. She kept on grinning at me, and I kept wishing that the ground would swallow me whole right now.

"I'll come here every morning, and we'll walk to school together. Also after school. If you dare to leave without me, you know what's gonna happen next. Understood?"

I reluctantly nodded.

"Good boy," she said, smirking.

And then she disappeared.

It took me a while to get back to my senses and I exhaled, relieved that she's finally gone. I didn't realize I've been holding my breath for a while.

I quickly went to my bathroom. I washed my face with cold water then looked at myself in the mirror.

"Okay, Grayson, get a grip of yourself," I told myself. "You have to endure the next two months, until your eighteenth birthday. It's going to pass by really fast, you're not even going to realize it's over. Just do what Serena tells you to do, and keep your smart mouth shut at all times."

I furrowed my eyebrows and put my game face on.

"Serena Blake, let's play the goddamn game."


As expected, Serena came here early in the morning right after my mom left.

"Good morning, Gray my love," she said grinning, obviously trying to tease me and ruin my morning.

I balled my fist, but then I remembered that I have a plan as well. I came into conclusion that being super clingy and cheesy to someone can actually make them really, really annoyed that they'd definitely want you to stay away from them.

Oh shit.

I forgot that she can read my mind!

I waited for her reaction... Nothing. She didn't say anything. She just kept on eating breakfast.

"I told you something in my head. Didn't you read my mind?" I asked, trying not to sound suspicious.

Serena looked like she was caught off guard.

"H-hm? Oh y-you did? I didn't catch that. I w-wasn't paying attention to you."

O—kay? What's up with her? She's stuttering, and she never stutters when she talks to me.

Hmm... Could it be that she didn't read my mind or she couldn't anymore?

Let me try again.

"I just asked you a question, too. I asked how old you are. Did you miss that one as well?"

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