Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
(Serena's Point of View)

Monday. 6:30 pm. Serena's back.

"Hey, Liv and Ralph. Yeah, I'm back in Chicago. I'll see you both whenever. Thanks again for everything," I said then hung up.

My mind is set. I have decided to protect Grayson from Hunter. Why is that? Because... Just because.

I don't even know the reason why Hunter wants Grayson dead so bad. He never told me the reason, and I never bothered asking because all I ever wanted was the key to start over. I didn't care about what he wanted, all I cared about was that cure.

And now everything's changed.

My phone buzzed, and I'm surprised to see Mrs. Collins calling me.

I answered it right away, "hello, Mrs. Collins?"

I heard her sigh as if relieved. She cleared her throat first before speaking, "finally you get my phone calls. Well, uh, I was hoping if you could do me a little favor."

"Sure, anything. What is it?"

"Well, can you check Grayson for me? Make sure he's still alive? I'm here in the hospital because my sister got in an accident, and I'm not able to go home. I was calling his phone and our home phone, but he's not picking any of my calls. I'm worried what could he possibly be doing..."

I sighed and closed my eyes.

That little moron... How can he just let his mom worry about him like this?

"Sure. I'm on my way to your house, anyway. I'll make sure to scold him for not answering your calls once I get there," I said.

She let out a soft chuckle, "thank you, Serena. I knew I could count on you."

"Of course."

She hung up the phone as I continued to make my way outside the airport. I called for a cab and rode inside.

A sunny and snow-filled Chicago. I forgot Christmas is in two days.

Like I ever celebrate Christmas...

In just about two hours, I arrived in front of the Collins' house. I paid the taxi driver, then he drove away. I turned to look at the house and noticed that lights are open in their living room as well as in Grayson's room.

I walked closer and was about to press the doorbell when I suddenly sensed someone else in the house.


I immediately pressed in their code, entered the house, and immediately went up to Grayson's room.

As soon as I entered his room, there I found him...

He's kissing Katherine.

(Grayson's Point of View)

My head still hurts, and I feel like throwing up every five minutes.

How did I get this sick? Why am I so sick when I literally just ran under that one rainy and freezing cold day?

My door opened, and Katherine came holding a tray with my food that she prepared. She set it down in front of me then sat down beside me. She's looking at me with full of concern, and I can't help but feel bad because I'm making her worry about me.

"Eat up so you can feel better right away," she said, giving me the ramen noodles she made.

I looked at it, and it looks good. It smells delicious as well, so I took the fork and started eating the ramen noodles.

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