Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"I'm a vampire."


It took me a while to process what she just said.

Vampire? What the hell? That can't be true. Vampires don't exist.

"Vampires do exist. I'm standing right in front of you," Serena said, taking a step closer to me.

No, she's lying. She's just crazy. How can vampires be real? They only exist in movies and in books... How could that be?

"If I'm lying, then how come I can read your mind? How about the night we first met? Didn't you wonder about my sudden appearance and disappearance and thought it was a mystery? That's because I'm a vampire, Grayson, I'm able to do that."

I still couldn't believe what she's saying... This is way too overwhelming.

Serena looked at me directly in my eyes and smirked.

Everything started getting into me slowly, one by one. It all make sense now... From the night when we first met; how she answered my questions that I asked only in my head; when she talked to Aaron and his friends, telling them to leave and they did immediately without saying a word...

I gasped and she put her finger on my mouth. Serena's just smirking at me as if she's enjoying this.

"This is really fun," she said cheerfully and mockingly at the same time. "Are you scared of me?"

Yes. But then I shook my head.

"Liar," she said, shaking her head a little bit. "Here's the thing, we have a contract. I'm going to kill you once you break it and any of my rules, you know that right?"

My legs feel like Jell-O, my heart is beating abnormally fast... I've never been this scared in my entire life.

I stepped backwards and asked quietly, "B-But... Why does it have to be m-me?"

She grinned and said, "Why not?"

Serena is playing with me again. This is getting hella annoying. Why am I forgetting who the hell I am? I am Grayson fucking Collins, and I never let anyone control me. Even if she's a damn vampire, I can't just let her do this to me!

But what else can I do? I'm just a mere human being with no other extraordinary powers. How can I possibly get rid of her?

I took a deep breath then said, "W-what did I ever do to you, huh?! And do you really think I'd go along with all your c-contract bullshit?! J-just leave me alone, will you?!"

She grinned even more. "You just argued with me. You broke rule number one. What to do now?"

I should definitely run right now. I should escape from her. Okay, Grayson, brace yourself. This is gonna be really hard.

Serena took a step towards me again. She looked directly in my eyes and said, "You can't run away. Don't run away. Don't even move."

There's something about her eyes... This is just like when she talked to Aaron and his friends.

Oh hell no! I can't let her control me or else I'll be dead!

I took a step back then started running away as fast as I can without looking back...

It was just a few seconds, and I'm already in front of our house.

How the hell did I get here so fast?

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