Chapter 22

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Chapter 22
(Aaron's Point of View)

Right after I left Serena and Grayson, I knew I had to follow Katherine. I have to find out what's going on with her. I need to know the truth behind all her mischievous, sneaky little plans that she has for Grayson and Serena.

I know she's just under Hunter's orders. Katherine would never do such a thing.

As soon as I got to Hunter's hideout, I sneaked right into it and creeped inside. I found them on his room, speaking in hushed voices.

"He chose Serena," Katherine said with her head bowed.

Hunter smirked a little in an amused way. He tilted his head a little as if to study Katherine's actions.

"Good. Now all you need to do is to make sure Serena does her work, understood?"

Katherine's head still bowed, not making eye contact with Hunter. "Yes, I understand."

"You may leave," he said. "And take your friend with you."

I was surprised when he looked in my direction, and he smirked at me. I have no choice but to come out and show myself to them.

"What a pleasant surprise, Aaron. Good evening," he greeted as soon as I got closer to them. I looked at Katherine, and she's already giving me a meaningful look. I can only look down on the floor.

"Good evening," I greeted back.

Hunter stood up from where he was sitting and walked towards me. He patted my shoulder and said, "you know I hate nosy people, but I'll let you get away with it this once since I'm in a good mood. Just make sure you thank Katherine for that because she did a really good job."

I looked at Katherine awkwardly but her eyes are planted on the floor.


"Excellent. Now leave before I change my mind."

Katherine and I hurriedly made our way outside. We walked further down then turned to the next two streets until we both stopped walking to talk.

"Why were you there?" said Katherine calmly.

I didn't answer her. I wasn't sure what's the best answer to give her.

"Why were you there?!" she repeated, this time in an angry way.

"I-I was just... I was just ch-checking... on you..." I trailed off.

"Checking on me?! What the hell?!"

"W-What am I supposed to do?! I was curious about your whereabouts! The things you're doing... this is not you, Katherine! You're not this evil person you are now! I was so worried---"

"Stop it, Aaron! Stop caring about me because nobody can help me! Nobody, not even you! So please stop trying to help me from now on because you're just putting yourself in danger."

"I don't care! I'd do anything---"

"Why?! What for?! Why do you have to get involved with me so much?!"

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