Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
(Grayson's Point of View)

Christmas Break. Sunday. 2:00 AM.

I heard a car engine going off, so I quickly stood up and looked over my window only to find my mom getting off of her car. She looks tired as if she's been out fighting someone.

Why is she just coming back at our house at this hour? Where the heck did she go? What was she up to? What on earth happened to her yesterday?!

I ran down the stairs to meet her. As she opens the door, I stood there in front of her with my arms crossed.

My mom sighed and closed her eyes,"I had to go help your aunt. She got in an accident, and I'm fixing to go back to the hospital. I just need to get some of my clothes because I have to stay there with her until she's okay."

My eyes widened, "Aunt Timmy?! What happened to her?"

She quickly headed to her room as I followed behind her. My mom took her bag and some clothes out. Her eyes look teary, and it's making me more nervous.

"S-Someone got into her house. She was all alone and someone tried to k-kill her..."

My heart leaped out of my chest, and I suddenly forgot how to breathe.

"W-What?" I said in disbelief and shock.

"I'll tell you next time, Gray. I really need to hurry up and leave," said Mom as she finished packing her bag. "You'll be okay on your own, right? We have plenty of food in the fridge, and you know where our emergency card is hidden. If you have any problems, just call or text me."

We went back outside of the house. My mom entered her car then started the engine.

She opened her car window before leaving and told me, "Be safe. Don't go anywhere dangerous, and don't do anything stupid. Definitely no parties in the house while I'm gone, okay? I trust you."

And then she left as I wave goodbye to her.


7:00 AM

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up with the sound of my phone ringing nonstop. I instantly turned to my side and picked my phone up right away, worried that it might be my mom calling to tell me how things are going with my aunt.

"Hello?" I said, still groggy because I didn't sleep until 4 o'clock in the morning.

"Grayson? Hey, did I wake you up?"

I paused before speaking, "Katherine?"

She gave a soft laugh, "yes. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you right now. I just really want to know if you're okay because yesterday..."

"I know, I know," I sighed. "Look, I'm sorry for leaving you there alone without even waiting for the mechanics to come first. You could've been stranded in there."

"It's okay—I'm okay. It's you I'm worry about. Do you feel sick or anything?"

And as if on cue, I coughed.


I heard Katherine sighed on the other line, "you are sick."

"N-No, I'm okay! I insist---" and then I coughed again.

I sat up straight and felt my head throbbing in pain. And then I coughed again and again.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes," said Katherine then hung up.

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