Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I woke up at the sound of my alarm clock. It took me a while to get up and turn it off since it's right across my room.

As soon as I did, I checked what time it was and it's only two o'clock in the morning.


Two o'clock in the morning?! What the fuck?!

Now why on earth would my alarm clock ring at this hour?! I never even set up an alarm for this hour?!

What. The. Hell?!

"Good morning, sunshine."

I turned around to see who it was, and I jumped as soon as I saw Serena lying on my bed, grinning.

"Serena?! What the?!"

"What? Aren't you happy to see me? Aren't you glad that I'm the first person you see in the morning?" She stood up and walked towards me then added, "aren't you honored that I'm, your most beautiful and sexiest girlfriend, is here in your room right now?"

"S-Serena, what are you---"

She put her index finger on my lips, "shh. Your mom might hear us."

I couldn't speak nor move. I was trapped by her seductive gaze and her finger on my lips. It's as if I'm being hypnotized, only in a good way because I find her rather... rather really attractive.

"Attaboy," she said, moving closer to me and having our faces, our lips inches away. Then she whispered to my ear, "You're blushing."


Then she stepped back and started laughing hysterically.

What the?!

"Oh, boy, how I love when you start blushing!" she said in between her laughs. She walked towards my window and opened it, "Sorry, Gray. I just really wanted to see you blush. I'll see you later in school, so don't wait for me in the morning."

She winked at me then jumped off. I quickly looked over to see if she was fine, but she was already gone.

Oh, God. Why is my heart beating so fast?


I was late to school.

After what happened last night, no actually just a little while ago, I wasn't able to sleep. I mean how could I when my "girlfriend" ambushed me in my room just to pull a prank on me? Ugh.

So I came to school looking like a zombie. Shit.

"Hey, boyfriend," someone suddenly said from behind me that startled the fuck out of me.

"Serena! I swear if you do that one more time, I will... I will..." I trailed off because shit I'm about to argue with her and that's breaking rule number one.

"You will what?" she said, grinning as if mocking me.

This girl!

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