Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
(Grayson's Point of View)

"Fuck," I whispered to myself as I heard the sound of a few people screaming and crying for help.

The whole thing that's going on with Serena and Katherine is so confusing! I feel like my head's about to explode!

There are so many questions in my head that I badly want to be answered right this instant.

Why is Serena being like this? I mean I thought she's changed already? And I thought Katherine means no harm but why is she acting like this?! What happened to them?! What's going to happen now?!


"Mmm. Speaking of... Should we get the appetizers first?" asked Serena to Katherine with an evil smirk on her face. "Or should we just get right on with the desserts?"

Katherine looked at Serena suspiciously but very amused at the same time, then she said, "Before that, don't you have anything to say to Grayson?"

"As a matter of fact, I do," said Serena, turning to face me. "Happy one month to us, Gray baby."

She grinned at me in a mocking way, but I noticed something behind her eyes. Something that is pleading... Something that wants to get out...

Serena needs my help. She needs me.

"I'll get them," said Katherine then started to walk away. She added, "don't let them get away. They're the lights of the party."

As soon as Katherine left, Aaron and I were left with Serena standing there and looking at each other awkwardly until Aaron decided to break the silence.

"Wake up. This is not what you want," he said in a hushed voice. "You don't want to do this."

Serena smirked at us and shrugged.

"Hmm, I'm not really sure about that. I'm thirsty, therefore I should drink human blood. I'm a vampire, so I don't really see any other reasons why should I hold myself back."

I took a deep breath before speaking, "b-but I thought you've changed? Y-You said---"

"Blah, blah, blah. You talk too much, you know that?" she said then laughed as she rolled her eyes.

After a few minutes, Katherine came back with five people who are blindfolded and are crying. They didn't make any sounds other than their non stop sobs.

I figured that they've been compelled...

"Why are you doing this, Katherine?!" yelled Aaron.

"To show Grayson that Serena is still the way she was; to prove that she's still that merciless killer she once was in the past." Katherine took off the blindfold of each of those five people then added, "she loved killing people. I'm sure she still does."

"And you're helping her kill people! You're letting this happen! You're telling me how she was before, but look at you. How am I supposed to trust you more than her when you're just as bad as she is?" I paused for a second, trying to hold my crap together. "Do you really think I'd trust you now just because you show me how much of a monster Serena really is? You're just as evil as she is, Katherine. No matter how much you turn the tables around you'll still be on the bad side!"

She didn't say anything else, but it's obvious that I caught her off guard.

I couldn't help but to add more, "I still love you and I badly want to trust you. But if this is how you're going to be like, then who are you? What happened to the old Katherine I know? Why---"

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