Path Leads To Pain

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Tony hobbled from the place where he was being held and caught scent of Erik. He pricked his ears and darted forward, his paws thundering against the ground.

He darted into a hallway and howled. "Erik! Erik where are you," he asked as he looked around madly, his fur bristling against his body in fear.

He suddenly heard a German saw Erik's name. He bounded down the hallway but two Germans tried to stop him. They shouted commands at each other but Tony ducked and continued toward the door.Once he arrived at the door two more guards leaned down and tired to hold him back. He thrashed and whimpered.

Erik suddenly spun around and looked to Tony. "Tony," he gasped in shock as he kneeled down, ready to take Tony away from the guards.

A German pointed a gun to Erik's head but the man seated raised a hand, telling him to stop. He nodded to the guards and allowed them to release the pup. Tony sprang forward and leaped into Erik's arms, whimpering and lashing his tail.

"How did you get out," asked Erik in shock as he continued to stroke Tony's fur reassuringly.

"I did something," Tony whispered in fear. "Something I've never done before." His eyes flickered in surprise. "I moved a leather strap without even touching it. I mean I was thinking about moving it but I didn't actually do it."

Erik's eyes clouded in surprise before the man at the chair ordered him to stand. Erik obeyed and Tony stood erect beside him, trying to hide his wings that were plastered against his thick black pelt. He licked his lips and narrowed his eyes at this man. Something about him he didn't like.

The man spoke in German and pointed to the coin. Erik nodded and stretched out his hands, concentrating hard on trying to move it. He tried for a bit before he gave up and looked at the man, trying to explain that it was impossible. Tony had no idea why this man was trying to make him move a coin without touching it. He couldn't control metal, right?

The man sighed thoughtfully before he pointed to the door. Erik's mother stepped out in strange blue and white clothes. Erik didn't think it looked very flattering on her but he then remembered that he saw a lot of people in the concentration camps wearing them. He shoved his ears forward as Erik was about to run to his mother but the man in the chair stood and stopped him.

He pointed the gun to Erik's mother's head and pointed to the coin again, wanting Erik to move or or he would pull the trigger and kill his mother. Erik's eyes widened in shock.

"Erik," Tony gasped as he pressed against Erik's leg and closed his eyes, fear rippling through his pelt. He had no idea how this was going to play out and honestly he didn't want to.

Erik gulped and looked to the coin. He extended his hand and imagined himself lifting the coin. However when he opened his eyes the coin was still in the same spot. The man counted up to three and once he hit three he pulled the trigger.

Tony gasped as Erik's mother fell to the ground, dead. His own fur spiked and he felt rage flow through Erik. "Erik," he began but it was too late.

Erik turned to the guards and closed his fists. Their helmets suddenly closed on their heads and they cried as they fell to the ground. Erik then turned to face the inclosure in front of us. There were a lot of medical tools, all made out of metal.

He raised his hands and they all squeezed together, doors opened, and things crashed on the ground. Tony gasped in shock and realized that the man who had shot Erik's mother had grasped something from his desk and was about to throw it. When he did Tony caught it in his mind the threw it back.

"Telekinesis," gasped the man and Tony thumped his tail against the ground. Was that what he could do?

Tony looked up as the man drew near and slung an arm around Erik's. He whispered something that Tony couldn't catch before he ordered some guards in. They swamped in and took Erik who looked to be limp and lifeless. Tony allowed them to pick him up as well since his hind leg was beginning to throb there the German had beat him. He had no idea what was in store next but he knew one thing, he wasn't going to like it.

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