Life Continues

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A few weeks later things were far from normal. Ivory spend most of her days either in Charles's room cooped up or outside, prowling around like a caged animal. Charles had had spinal surgery but it hadn't done much. He was still paralyzed.

To Ivory's surprise Charles had sent Moria away to convince everyone that Cuba hadn't happened. However everyone in the mansion knew that had happened and that they couldn't challenge.

On a particular windy day Ivory sat on the roof where she usually sat with Tony. However Tony wasn't there and she knew that he wasn't coming back. She sighed heavily and rested her head on her paws. Her breath came shallowly and blinked her eyes.

"You alright?"

Ivory didn't need to look around to hear the stuffy voice of Runningnose. He sniffed and swiped a paw against his nose.

"Yeah, it doesn't sound like you are," Ivory reported but it was harsher than she meant it.

Runningnose drew back a bit in shock. "I always sound like this," pointed out Runningnose before he sneezed. "Don't you know my name?"

Ivory sighed heavily and sat up, swiveling her head to look at Runningnose. "I'm sorry Runningnose. I didn't mean that. I'm just frustrated and grieving I suppose."

Runningnose smiled in understanding and padded over before sitting beside Ivory, their pelts brushing. "I completely understand Ivory. I bet you miss Tony, don't you?"

Ivory looked over to Runningnose and saw the deep sympathy in his eyes. "I do. You know me so well. I forgot how I found you as an apprentice."

"It wasn't that long ago," snorted Runningnose in amusement. "Besides I haven't been a full healer for that long."

"Long enough," commented Ivory gently as she licked his ear. "You know every herb in the forest and every medication for humans. You're a fantastic healer! Kestrel would be so proud." As soon as she said it she regretted it.

Runningnose's face fell. "Yes I know," he murmured as the grief shone in his eyes. "I wish he was here. Correction, he should be here. If it wasn't for that group!"

Ivory stretched out a wing and rested it gingerly across Runningnose's shoulders. "I know. But Snarl is dead and now they have a new leader."

"Yeah," echoed Runningnose dryly. "Your mate and his companion. I'm sorry, is he still you mate?"

Ivory nodded slowly despite herself. "I'll always love him and he'll always be my mate. I know you may not understand but we have something. Just now it's hidden so deeply that he can't see it, but I can."'

Runningnose looked up before letting out a raspy breath. "Look at the stars. They're just starting to shimmer."

"Yeah," breathed Ivory as she lowered back down and arched her neck upward to gaze at The Big Dipper. "They're beautiful."

Runningnose smiled in agreement. "You know all those who die are up there and they have their own star." He pointed to a faint star in the corner of the sky. "I think that's Kestrel. He never liked to be too flashy and well known."

Ivory rumbled in amusement. She lifted a paw to the middle of the sky to a bright star that seemed to outshine the other. "I think that's your mother, Silverfeather."

At the mention of his mother Runningnose's heart seemed to ache. "Yeah she was certainly as beautiful as a star."

The two then sat in silence until Runningnose broke it. "Are you still worried about Charles?"

Ivory shrugged. "A bit but he has us. The Mutant Pack," she teased as she rose to her paws and nudged Runningnose affectionately. She then looked down and saw Redscar walking along with Frostcloud at his side. Their pelts brushed affectionately and Redscar licked Frostcloud's ear gingerly.

She then looked and saw Shysun walking alone along a flowered path. She gazed up at the stars and the moonlight caught her pelt just right. Ivory caught Runningnose's eyes lit up a bit and she was sure it was the first time that he had seen her like that.

"Go," she urged in amusement as she pawed at his ear to pull him out of his daydream.

"Go where," he barked in surprise and a bit of shock.

Ivory rolled her eyes. "Go to Shysun. You know that she's waiting for you," she pointed out as her tail flicked to and fro.

"Waiting for me?" Runningnose's milky eyes widened in bewilderment. "W-Why would she be waiting for me?"

How could a wolf so smart also be so oblivious? "Runningnose you may be great with herbs but you're not so good with this. Can't you tell? She likes you!"

"Likes me?!" Runningnose almost fell from the roof. "She can't? Why would she like me?"

Frustration clawed at Ivory's stomach. If he didn't strike now he'd lose her. "I don't know. Love is a mysterious thing but I see the way she looks at you and how you look at her. Just go down and talk to her. It'll do you both good."

Runningnose took in a breath before nodding. He spread his wings and glided down. He landed beside Shysun a bit disheveled but it wasn't long before the two began to speak and laugh together.

Ivory sat back on her haunches. At least they were having a good time. She felt lost, lost in her own emotions. She suddenly turned her head to the moon and blinked a few times at it, seeing her mate's reflection in it.

"Oh Tony," she breathed so that no one could hear her, not even herself. "Please be safe. I pray one day we will meet again and things will be set right."

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