Waking up In A Strange Place

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Pain seared through Tony's head as soon as he woke up. He felt as if a wolf had just leaped from the bushes and slammed it's full weight on his head. Now when he opened his eyes he didn't know where he was or how he had gotten there. It was dark. cold, and musky. The scent of blood was pungent in the air along with the fear scent that was constantly clinging in the air.

He felt something jab his haunch and he darted a few feet in the air. He let out a breath of relief as he realized it was his boy, Erik. Erik looked like he was just beginning to wake up. He raised a hand and rubbed it over a bump on his head. He cringed a bit before he looked toward Tony.

"Tony," he gasped in relief before Tony darted forward. His tail wagged in excitement. He leaped into Erik's waiting arms and Erik began to stroke him comfortingly. "I'm glad you're alright."

"Are you," asked Tony as he sniffed Erik's hand.

Erik shrugged. "I've been better," he confessed as he looked around. "It's just so strange since yesterday everything was great and now we're stuck here."

"Do you think they're taking us to concentration camps like others Germans that we've heard about," breathed Tony as the fur along his spine stood on end. "We can't go there Erik! They'll torture us!"

"Keep your voice down," chided Erik. "We don't want anyone taking you away."

Tony let out a snort. "No one is going to take me away," he growled as he lowered his head into his shoulders and growled. "I'd like to see them try!" Suddenly something dropped on the ground and Tony yelped, pushing himself close to Erik.

"We're going to be alright," assured Erik as he stroked Tony reassuring. "At least I hope so."

"What do they want wish us," asked Tony as he raised a paw and smoothed the fur that was sticking up between his ears. "We didn't do anything wrong, did we?"

Erik readjusted himself and looked up. "I don't think so but I don't remember much." He raised a hand and rubbed his head. "I feel like someone hit me really hard."

"I think someone did," Tony explained as he stretched out a wing to graze Erik's hand. "Anyway do you think we'll ever see your parents again?"

Erik's eyes lit in tears. "I-I don't k-know," he stammered and Tony realized that he shouldn't have said anything.

Tony drew even closer and rested his head on Erik's lap. "Well if we don't I'll always be here," he assured as he sprawled out and thumped his tail against the ground. "I'm your companion and companions don't leave each other."

"Thanks Tony," murmured Erik as his eyes drooped.

Tony yawned and arched his back. "Let's rest for now. Tomorrow we can worry about whatever we should be worried about."

Erik nodded in agreement and rested his head on the cold cement floor. Tony pressed against him and closed his eyes, drifted off into a deep sleep.

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