Making A Promise

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The next morning Ivory was awake early. She rose to her paws and reared on her hind legs as she kneaded her front paws against his body. He groaned and rolled over, throwing a pillow for her face. It collided with her muzzle and she sat back on her haunches, growling a bit.

"Come on Charles," she urged as she shoved her nose into his cheek. He pushed her away.

"It's early," he pointed out and Ivory rolled her eyes.

"I know but I'm excited today," she yipped like a pup as she bounded around the bed, her tail wagging madly.

"And why is that," asked Charles as sat up, running his fingers through his hair. "What's so different about today than yesterday?"

Ivory shrugged. "Not sure but it just feels different," she explained as she leaped from the bed and wiggled her haunches. "Now get up!"

"Fine, fine," muttered Charles as he rose to his feet and Ivory wagged her tail in excitement. "Now can I at least get ready?"

Ivory nodded before she tapped her tail. "Yes but be quick," she barked as she strode over to the bed and began making it. "I'm telling you something important is going to happen today."

Charles just rolled his eyes before he disappeared in the bathroom. Ivory finished making the bed before she padded toward the balcony attached to the room. She opened the sliding glass door and pushed herself through and stopped beside the bars that were supposed to protect humans from falling off.

She looked up at the sun shinning above and smiled. "I know you're watching me mom," she breathed as wind ruffled her fur and she swore that she heard a whisper through the air. "I promise I'll try to make you proud."

She just stood there for a while until she heard Charles's voice. "Ivory! Are you ready?"

Ivory rose to her paws and darted toward Charles. She skidded at his side and wagged her tail.

"Just got a call from Moria. She said that he wanted to see us," he told her and Ivory shivered.

"You mean the one who brought us here," she asked as she padded toward the door.

"Yep," replied Charles as he opened the door and Ivory pushed her way through, her tail flicking. Charles led the way and then halfway they were met up by Erik and Tony. Ivory brightened and padded over to Tony and dipped her head to him. He did the same.

"Do you know what this is about," asked Tony as he padded alongside Ivory with his head pushed close to hers.

Ivory twitched an ear. "I don't know," she confessed as they were led to a small room. Charles opened the door and the rest of them followed him into the room. The man in the black suit sat in a chair and smiled at them.

Ivory allowed her fur to bristle and she padded into the room. She strode over to the window and looked out of the window to see a large golf ball shape in the field. She tilted her head in confusion. Tony came beside her and narrowed his eyes. "What is Lupus name is that?"

"That is what Charles is going to use to find mutants," replied the man in the black suit as he sat back in his chair, his belly bulging.

"Find mutants," echoed Ivory as she pushed toward the man. "And how is he supposed to do that? With that giant golf ball?"

"Yes and then the CIA and I are going to track them down and-"

"No," interrupted Erik as he spun around and Ivory's eyes were instantly drawn to him. He had a commanding presence to him that made you just need to stop and listen. "Do you really think that mutants would be comfortable with you all coming in?"

Tony took a step forward. "If they look at us like another agency that's trying to cause them harm they won't come," he pointed out sharply.

Ivory gave her nod of support, her hackles rising a bit. She knew that this man was going to be hard to convince.

The man shook his head and looked to Charles. "Charles surely you see the benefit of having us help."

Charles looked to Tony, Erik, and Ivory who were all clustered together. They all stood their ground firmly and Charles debated this. "I'm with Erik," he told the man before he looked to Tony and Ivory. "And Tony and Ivory. If we do this then we do it alone. No CIA help."

The man looked reluctant and scowled. "And what if I say no?"

"Then good luck finding them without me," reported Charles before Ivory bounded over to her companion and allowed Charles to scratch her between the ears and she rumbled affectionately.

The man sighed but gave in. Charles nodded to Erik and Erik nodded back. Tony bounded up to Ivory and wagged his tail. "Look's like we're searching for mutants. More us them to help us take down Mallow!"

The hatred in his eyes shown so furiously that it made Ivory shiver a bit. "Er that and we can help them feel welcomed and protected here with us."

Tony straightened and cleared his throat. "Er, yes of course," he barked as he shook his head to clear it.

Ivory frowned but before she could say anything more about it Charles rose from the chair and urged her forward. "Come on! Let's go and get Asphalt and Hank. They'll be able to help us find the mutants."

Ivory gave a nod as she darted forward, passing Tony without even saying anything. Tony whimpered a bit but Ivory didn't turn around. She followed Charles and they traveled to the lab where Raven, Hank, Asphalt and Kestrel were.

Ivory padded over to Asphalt and dipped her head. "How are you," she asked respectively.

"G-Good," stammered Asphalt as he looked up to Ivory. "W-W-What do you-you n-n-n-need?"

Ivory beamed a bit and looked up at Charles. Charles explained everything to Hank and Erik before he turned to the wolves. "So the plan is we're going to use the wonderful machine that Asphalt and Hank have made to track down more mutants."

"For what," asked Kestrel as he strode forward, brushing against Ivory a bit.

"For a team," replied Erik as he eyed Kestrel.

Kestrel looked to Asphalt. "So how does this machine work?"

"Y-Y-You'll have t-t-t-t-to wait and s-see," barked Asphalt as he looked to Hank. "C-Can we s-s-s-show them-them?"

Hank gave a nod and the humans padded toward the door with Kestrel and Tony following. Ivory was about to follow but Asphalt lunged forward and grabbed her tail and tugged a bit. Ivory yelped a bit and turned around, her eyes narrowed.

"What was that for," she snapped to the stuttering wolf.

Asphalt looked around to make sure no one was listening before he lowered his head. "I-I need t-to as-ask you s-s-s-something."

Ivory whiskered her tail. "Er yeah sure, anything. What do you need Asphalt?"

Asphalt shuffled his paws. "C-C-Could you h-h-help me f-fi-find m-my littermates?"

"Littermates," echoed Ivory as she drew back a shock in interest. "You have littermates?"

Asphalt nodded vigorously. "W-W-We were sep-sep-separated as p-pups. T-They were m-mu-mutants too."

Ivory flicked her tail. "You know how hard it will be to find your littermates? I can ask Charles but that's the best I can do."

"That's a-al-all I a-a-a-ask." Asphalt stepped forward and touched his nose to her ear. "T-Thank you I-I-Ivory."

"No problem," barked Ivory before she lowered into a crouch and wiggled her haunches. "Now come on or we'll miss the great unavailing. Race ya!"

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