Plans Changed

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After the meeting was over Kestrel and Ivory walked side by side down the hallways, talking quietly and quickly together. Charles and Raven were speaking with a plumper man but the wolves had no desire to hear what they were talking about.

"Did you hear them talking about mutants like that," muttered Kestrel as he now let his temper pulse through him. Despite Ivory losing her cool in the conference room (which was extremely out of character for her) she was still much cooler than Kestrel ever was.

Ivory gave a small nod, her fur brushing his a bit. "Yes but there is nothing we can do," she confessed darkly, licking her chomps a bit. "They don't even know we exist."

Kestrel gave a snort. "Stupid humans! They act like they are so superior but really they know nothing."

"Keep your voice down," chided Ivory shortly. "They'll hear you!" She pointed her muzzle toward Charles, Raven, and the other man that she hadn't bothered to learn his name.

Kestrel rolled his eyes. "Doubt it but whatever." Impatience seemed to ripple through him and he picked up the pace with Ivory trailing. "Where exactly are we going?"

The man turned his head and his eyes lit in fondness at Kestrel. "I was wondering if you'd come to my facility."

"Facility," echoed Ivory as she pushed upward and narrowed her eyes a bit at the man. What was wrong about their house?

Charles halted before he waved to Raven, Kestrel, and the man to continue on without them for a bit. Ivory shuffled her paws in discomfort as Charles wrapped an arm around her. She knew that he probably wanted to talk to her about something but her apprehension was making her pelt prickle.

"Ivory I know this isn't what you want but we're going to have a new life," he explained to her gently. "With others who understand mutants."

Ivory wanted desperately to argue with him but she couldn't find the words. She bit her tongue and just gave a slow nod. "Alright. I'll try and make this work."

Charles gave her a tight squeeze and the breath was drained from her. "I knew you'd understand!" He stood up and bounded after the group.

Ivory was left alone and just lowered her head into her shoulders, thinking desperately. She felt a tug at her fur in the direction that everyone else had traveled. She turned her head upward and sighed heavily before bounding forward, hoping that everything would go well.


Ivory continued her trek forward, juts behind Kestrel. She brought up the rear since if anyone decided that they didn't want to go to this man's facility then she would be the first one to agree and bolt. However no one made any move to turn around so she forced herself forward.

They made their way into a parking garage and Ivory halted as a car swerved, with Moria driving. Ivory twitched and ear and realized that Charles had summoned her. Figures!

"This is going to be crowded," grumbled Kestrel as he clawed at the cement ground.

Ivory slicked her fur against her body to appear smaller and she let out a small nod. "Yeah well let's get this over with."

She flew into back seat and skidded to the other side. Charles squeezed in beside her and by the time Raven and Kestrel made their way in Ivory felt like she couldn't take in a breath without being squished. She kept her mouth shut though and felt the car lurch forward a bit. She had always hated any type of transportation beside flying by herself and it was always the worst when she had no idea where she was going.

A hand rested soundly on her spine and when she turned with blazing eyes she saw Charles. She immediately relaxed and allowed her whole body to relax. "Thank you for agreeing to this," he breathed in her ear so that no one else heard him.

Ivory didn't exactly know what to say to answer him. "I'd do anything for you," she barked as she hung her head a bit, the swaying of the car beginning to make her stomach churn. "Even venturing in the unknown."

"It's not the unknown," corrected Charles as he pointed outside the window and Ivory forced herself to look. "We know where we're going. We're going to help others! Isn't that what you want?"

"Of course," answered Ivory although it was forced. She hung her head even more and curled her claws into the seat.

Suddenly she heard Moria and the man begin talking quietly and quickly. If she wanted she would have been able to make it out but she didn't want to.

"Change of plans," confessed the man as he turned and looked to the back seat at the newcomers.

"What kind of change," asked Raven with her eyes glittering in interest.

"We're needed on a boat," answered Moria.

Ivory shivered and pressed more into Charles. "Great. A boat trip. Nothing better!"

Kestrel didn't look that thrilled either. "Care to tell us why we're going on a boat?"

The man nodded slowly. "We just need assistance and we think that you all can help," he told them and he almost seemed excited about it.

Ivory was anything less than excited. She didn't think she could be any help. She wasn't a telepath. She could just remember things and know a lot about things. What was she supposed to do? She kept her muzzle shut and decided to just go with it. It couldn't possibly that that bad.

Apprehension sunk in her stomach she let a wave of nervousness pass over her. What had she gotten herself into?

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