Loss Of A Friend

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Ivory waited for the intense pain. She heard an intense ripping sound and when she opened her eyes she saw that Kestrel had leaped in front of her and Runningnose and the wolf had sliced his claws right through Kestrel's chest and throat. Blood oozed all over the sand and the breath was caught in Ivory's throat.

Kestrel slumped to the ground, blood trickling from his mouth. The wolf acted like he was about to finish it but before he could a wolf who looked similar to him barged to his side, her fur bristling.

"Can't you see you've done enough," she snapped with blazing eyes. "He's knows he's defeated. Come on Snarl! We have bigger things to fight."

"Fine Snap," growled Snarl as he darted after the Snap with his tail lashing.

"Kestrel," cried Ivory as she lowered beside Kestrel and pressed her paws against his bleeding chest, trying to stop it. However the blood just oozed around it and she knew that there was nothing she could do for Kestrel.

"Dad," coughed Runningnose as he pushed past Ivory and looked at his father and mentor with a shocked expression on his face.

He began pushing as hard as he could on Kestrel's chest and Kestrel groaned. "Runningnose stop!" Ivory turned to face him with glazed eyes. Runningnose lowered his head into his shoulders in defense. "There's nothing you can do for him."

"No," cried Runningnose as his whole body shook in rage and mucus dripped down his face. "You it can't be the end!"

Ivory stretched out her neck and licked Runningnose's cheek affectionately. "I'm afraid it is. You can make amends with him now though."

Runningnose gave a pathetic nod and raised a paw and swiped it across his nose. He then took a tentative step toward his father and looked at his now broken body. He looked into his father's eyes and tears streamed down his face. "I-I forgive you," Runningnose stammered. "I understand you did everything you did to protect me."

Kestrel smiled although it looked painful. "I'm sorry I couldn't have been a better father to you," he rasped weakly.

Runningnose shook his head. "You were the best father but you didn't know it. You taught me everything that I know. You made me the healer that I am."

Kestrel stretched out a paw and grazed it against Runningnose's chest, motioning to his heart. "I'll always be with you, my son." He then looked past Runningnose to Gorsewind and the she-wolf that was under him. His eyes widened. "Frostpup!"

The she-wolf blinked her eyes. "It's actually Frostcloud," she corrected.

"My daughter," breathed Kestrel excitedly. "Let me see you!"

"Daughter," echoed Frostcloud as Gorsewind leaped off of her and allowed Frostcloud to stand. "My father is dead and so is my mother."

Kestrel shook his head. "No. Silverfeather died but I didn't. I left."

Frostcloud's eyes narrowed. "Why did you leave," she asked as she pushed forward and eyed Kestrel warily.

Kestrel smiled a bit. "Because I thought it was the best for you and Runningnose. I know now that it was not. I can't apologize enough." With each word his breath grew more strained and he struggled to speak.

Frostcloud padded up to Runningnose and exchanged a glance with him. "I remember you like it was yesterday," she breathed as she touched her nose to Runningnose's nose, not caring about the mucus that still dripped from it.

"I can't believe I didn't recognize you," breathed Runningnose as he pressed against his sister and licked her between the ears. "Now I do though and I know it's hard to believe but he is our father."

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