Water Rescue

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Ivory reluctantly forced herself on a boat. It was nearly sunset and she couldn't imagine who would want to be on a boat this late. The waters were certainly churning and fear clawed at her stomach. She had heard of plenty of people dying on a boat. What about Titanic?

"Go," muttered Kestrel as he thrust his head against her haunch and forced her forward. "We don't have all night!"

Ivory narrowed her eyes a bit but forced herself to scamper forward, her claws clicking against the solid metal boat. When she arrived on the boat she looked around. She followed Charles since she didn't know exactly where to stand. They made it to the edge and the boat lurched forward. Ivory nearly slipped and fell into the churning waters but Charles leaned forward and grasped her scruff before hauling herself backwards.

"Thanks," she panted as she shook out her fur.

Charles just nodded and the boat picked up speed. She knew now to keep her claws clutched to the wooden planks so that she wouldn't fall forward. The waves became more and more intense and rain began to drum down. It drenched Ivory's pelt and she shivered despite herself.

Across the waves Ivory spotted another boat. She narrowed her eyes as she tried to get a better look at it but she couldn't. "What's that," she whispered to Kestrel who was standing beside her, swaying with the boat.

Kestrel lifted his head and licked his chomps. "I believe that's the boat that everyone wants us to stop. There's someone on there that isn't good."

Ivory never knew that they were going to act like the police. When the boat picked up speed she flicked her ears. She heard the sound of a wolf, another wolf! Ivory bunched her muscles as she felt Charles stiffen beside her.

"This is amazing," breathed Charles in awe.

"What," asked Moira as she leaned toward Charles.

"They have one like me. Er a telepath. This is amazing! I can actually feel her inside my head. I'm sorry but I'm not going to be much help tonight," he confessed.

Ivory watched as the boat neared closer to the other boat. Suddenly Ivory saw a man leap into the water. He'd drown!

"Charles," she cried as she swiveled her head toward her friend.

Without hesitation Charles leaped into the churning waves. Ivory stiffened before she sniffed the air, still trying to scent the wolf. His scent had faded a bit, drowned out by water. He must have gone down there too!

Ivory was tempted to go after him but she never had been very fond of getting her paws wet let alone her own body. She cringed and held her breath as she wondered if Charles would be alright. Before she could worry anymore his head broke the surface along with another man and the wolf.

"We have to get them out," ordered Kestrel as he darted along the bow, shouting commands. "I'm a healer! I know what hypothermia is."

Ivory darted alongside him and the two boarded a small boat with other humans. They sped toward the three half drowned creatures and Ivory twitched her ears as she gazed at the black wolf. His fur was plastered against his side but he still looked extremely powerful.

While the humans helped Charles and the other man out Ivory turned keep attention to the wolf. The wolf growled at the humans and tried to haul himself into the boat. His claws just raked on the side and he kept falling in and fatigue began to claw at his body and he stifled a groan. He didn't want anyone to seem weak.

Ivory wasn't about to just to let him down because of his stupid pride! She lunged forward and sunk her teeth into the black wolf's shoulder. He growled a bit but she saw his eyes lit in gratitude. Ivory hauled herself backwards and the wolf was dragged aboard. She allowed him to sink down in the boat, coughing up mouthfuls of water. More water bubbled at his mouth but he couldn't seem to expel it.

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