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A few years later Tony stood at the entrance of his cell with Erik laying on the bed beside him. His muscles rippled as he peered at the door. His tail lashed back and forth and he watched the door with such intent that it could scorch any enemy.

"What are you doing," asked Erik in keen interest as he sat up and ran his fingers through his hair.

Tony was about to hush him but he knew that Erik hated that so he just kept looking at the door and when he spoke he kept his voice low. "I'm staging our escape," he murmured silkily.

"Our escape," echoed Erik with a grunt as he rose to his feet.

Tony gave his ear a twitch. "Yes our escape. Do you want to stay here for the rest of our lives?"

Erik shook his head. "No of course not but how are we going to escape?" Erik turned to look at the bed. It had been replaced by an all wooden one so that Erik couldn't manipulate it. Tony could be he had no desire to. Wood wasn't exactly the best weapon.

"Well I'm waiting until the Nazis deliver our good. Then I'm going to pull him in and then-"

Suddenly the door swung open and Shaw stepped in. The fur along Tony's spine bristled and he allowed his claws to slide freely from his pads. Shaw just kicked Tony to the side and Tony charged over to Erik and arched his back as he pushed against Erik's leg. Erik narrowed his eyes at Shaw. He was just as defensive as Tony.

Shaw just raised a hand in almost a submissive position, at least for humans it was. "Easy. I don't want to have to clean up organs Tony."

Tony rolled his eyes. "It would be your orange that you would be cleaning up," Tony shot back as he bared his teeth in a snarl.

Shaw ignored him and turned his attention to Erik. "You two are free to go."

Erik's eyes widened a bit. "Go," he echoed but his voice showed disbelief. Tony didn't believe Shaw either and hostility made his senses went crazy.

"Yes go," echoed Shaw as he stepped aside. "I have no more use for you two anymore. I don't want to pay to feed you so go."

Tony lashed his tail and sniffed Shaw to see if he had a gun on him. It didn't smell like it. "Is this a trick?"

"No trick," assured Shaw as he shook his head. "Consider it a gesture at friendship."

Shaw stretched out a hand and Tony lunged but his jaws clasped onto air. Shaw shook his head and clicked his tongue. "Now we'll have none of that."

Shaw took out a gun and shot it at Tony. Tony flinched but when he opened his eyes he saw that the bullet was right between his eyes but it was being held back. He looked and saw Erik with his hand outstretched. He then flicked his wrist and the bullet collided with the wall, barely making a dent.

Shaw placed the gun down on the ground before he looked to Tony. "Now go before I change my mind."

Tony licked his lips in discomfort before he blinked his eyes at Shaw. He sighed deeply before he forced himself forward. He snuck one last growl at Shaw with his lips peeled back with a snarl. He then charged forward and exploded out of the building with Erik following. His ears were shoved forward and he scented the air. It had been a long time since he had scented the fresh air. It wasn't that fresh now because of the way but that didn't mean that he didn't enjoy it.

Erik was closely behind him and Tony was tempted to surge forward and take flight but he wasn't about to leave Erik alone. As soon as Tony placed a paw on the sidewalk the clouds opened up and rain started pouring down. Tony groaned as his fur turned drenched.

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