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When Erik and Tony arrived in Argentina Tony was utterly exhausted, not that he would admit. The heat was also bothering him. It was making his fur stick to him and it was impossible for him to shake it off. He was panting madly but every time Erik asked him if he needed a break he'd refuse. He couldn't do anything that would slow down their progress of killing Shaw and Mallow.

Eventually they arrived at a small bar. Erik pushed in first and then Tony a bit more reluctantly. He hated the smell of smoke from cigarettes or even the smell of beer. Erik drank beer quite often and Tony tolerated it but actually being in a bar was not one of the things that he wanted to be doing right now.

He kept going though and when he went in he saw that there was only two other people in the bar beside the bartender. Tony watched as Erik went to the bar and was about to order something. Tony strode toward the table and eyed the men. One chuckled and tossed him a chunk of meat. Tony wasn't sure if he should trust him but he took his chances. He lowered his hand down and gnawed at the meet, tearing pieces from the bone and gulping it down quickly. He couldn't remember the last time he had had all this meat and hadn't had to share.

While he gnawed on that massive meat chunk Erik ventured over. Tony looked up but right now the meat was much more important, and more enjoyable. He listened as the three men began to speak in German. Tony understood German and could certainly speak it but right now he was turning all of his attention to the meat.

Suddenly one man said something about the Jews and the concentration camps. Tony stiffened, knowing that it would go over well with Erik. He looked up and licked the liquid from his lips. He knew that the time for eating was over, it was time to show his fierceness.

Erik said something before he clinked his beer with the two others and laughed a bit. Tony sensed the other men grow hesitant in fear of Erik. They certainly should be. Erik took a few sips of the beer before he turned his arm over, revealing the numbers on his arm.

The men sprang into action. One man took out a knife but Erik was faster. He grasped the knife and looked at the words carved on it.

"Blood and honor," he read with blazing eyes. "Which one do you want shed first?"

The man said something that Tony didn't catch but he could tell that Erik didn't like it. "Blood then."

Erik then thrust the knife in the man's hand and the man cried out in pain. The bartender then turned on Erik and pointed a gun at him. Erik looked at it and with his mind he turned it toward the other man. Unknowingly the trigger went off and killed the man standing next to the man with the knife in his hand. He then took the knife out and threw it at the bartender's abdomen. It sliced through nicely and he summoned it back before he shoved it back in the man's hand. The man cried in pain.

"Who are you," whimpered the man as he gazed at his festering wound since Erik had dumped some beer in it. The whole bar began to reek of blood and beer.

Erik took another drink of beer. "Let's just say I'm Frankinstien's monster and I'm looking for my creator."

He rose from the chair and summoned the gun with his mind. He clasped his hand over it and fired it at the man. The man fell limp in his own bloodied hand. Erik swiveled his head around the bar until his gaze rested on Tony. Tony smiled and lifted his head, ready for anything.

Erik turned to a plaque with Shaw on his. His brow furrowed and anger swamped his gaze. He left the bar in a rage and Tony had to bound to keep up with him.

"Where are we going now," asked Tony as his claws clicked against the ground.

Erik surged around and Tony half expected him to pull the trigger while it faced him. "Apparently Miami."

"United States," echoed Tony in uncertainty. He'd learned about that place and apparently how good and nice it was. It was apparently much better than Germany during WWII. He didn't mind going there, if he was going to be able to give Mallow what she deserved. Which would be a claw to the throat.

Erik nodded and loaded the gun with fresh bullets. "Yes. And this time we won't let him escape."

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